Polish historian
Edward Potkowski (10 May 1934 in Rybnik - 31 July 2017) was a Polish historian. His specialization includes history of the medieval period and paleography .[ 1]
Edward Potkowski was born on 10 May 1934 in Rybnik.[ 2] In 1954 he enrolled at the Uniwersytet Wrocławski , but since 1955 he had been studied on the Warsaw University .[ 2] He graduated in 1960.[ 2] Potkowski gained PhD in 1967. His supervisor was Tadeusz Manteuffel .[ 2] In 1979 he passed his habilitation.[ 3] From 1981 to 1986 he was a director of Central Archives of Historical Records .[ 2]
In 1989 he gained the title of professor.[ 4]
In 1960 he married Zofia Cep.[ 2]
Książka rękopiśmienna w kulturze Polski średniowiecznej (1984).
Le Livre manuscrit – la société – la culture dans la Pologne du bas moyen âge (XIVe-XVe s.) (1997).
Książka i pismo w średniowieczu. Studia z dziejów kultury piśmiennej i komunikacji społecznej (2006).
Dziedzictwo wierzeń pogańskich w średniowiecznych Niemczech. Defuncti vivi (1973).
Crécy - Orlean 1346-1429 (1986)
Warna 1444 (1990)
Grunwald 1410 (1994)
Zakony rycerskie (1995, 2005).
Heretycy i inkwizytorzy (2012).
Further reading
J. Kaliszuk, Bibliografia prac prof. dr hab. Edwarda Potkowskiego. In: E scientia et amicitia. Studia poświęcone profesorowi Edwardowi Potkowskiemu, ed. M. Drzewiecki (1999).
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