Earth to Luna! (Portuguese: O Show da Luna!) is a children's television series created and directed by Célia Catunda and Kiko Mistrorigo and produced by TV PinGuim, that debuted on the American channel Sprout,[1] on August 16, 2014.[2] In Latin America, it debuted on October 13, 2014, on Discovery Kids.[3][4] Each season consists of 26 episodes (15 minutes per episode). The target audience is children between the ages of four and nine years old.[5]
The series shows the adventures of Luna, a young girl (voiced by Angelina Carballo[a] and singing voice by Hannah Strawn) who is in love with science,[6][7] her little brother Jupiter (who's named after the planet Jupiter) (voiced by Raul-Gomez Pina[b]) and their pet ferret Clyde (voiced by Eric Anderson[c]).[8]
Voice cast
Angelina Carballo – Luna (seasons 1-3; season 6 onwards)
Luna, Jupiter and Clyde have fun as they follow a butterfly who is fluttering around the garden; Luna has a snack in the backyard after her trip to the ballet.
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?/On the Rings of Saturn"
April 11, 2015 (2015-04-11)
Luna tries to find the answer to one of her questions after looking at the stars; Jupiter spots a plant that's playing one of Luna's favorite games.
"Banana Seeds?/The Tale of Kale"
April 18, 2015 (2015-04-18)
The gang takes a close look at their garden to find out how banana plants can grow without seeds; Luna and her mom prepare a delicious lunch.
"How Water Becomes Rain/That Just Rained Smell"
April 25, 2015 (2015-04-25)
Luna ponders how water turns into rain; a look at why rain has its unique smell.
"Martians, Martians, Martians/Shooting Stars"
May 2, 2015 (2015-05-02)
Luna uses a telescope to look at Mars; Clyde, Luna and Jupiter spot a shooting star.