The series follows the fierce rivalry between the Adam and Nawab families in the town of Duniyapur. After losing their eldest sons, Shahmeer and Ana, united by grief and love, work to end the feud and restore peace to the town.[5]
In the troubled town of Duniyapur, a rivalry between the Adam and Nawab families reaches its peak when the oldest sons from each side are killed in a fight. This loss pushes Shahmeer Adam, who had always wanted to escape his family’s legacy, and Ana Nawab, who steps into a leadership role after her brother’s death, to face their families' hatred.
As they deal with their sadness and new responsibilities, Shahmeer and Ana fall in love. Together, they work to end the long-standing feud, and, with help from the local police, succeed in bringing peace and harmony back to Duniyapur.[2][6]
Nauman Ijaz as Nauroz Adam: Nawabzadi's elder son; Aurangzeb's brother; Bakhtawar's husband; Nayab, Shahmir and Nimra's father
Khushhal Khan as Shahmir Adam: Nauroz and Bakhtawar's younger son; Nayab and Nimra's brother
Ramsha Khan as Ana Dilawaiz: Dilawaiz's daughter; Fahad's sister
The series was announced in 2023 and development began in January 2024.[7] In mid-2023, it was reported that Ramsha Khan and Khushhal Khan would star in an upcoming project which would be directed by Shahid Shafaat and written by Radain Shah. Nauman Ijaz and Sami Khan later joined the cast.[2] The show had a six-month pre-production period followed by nine months of shooting according to Shahid.[1]
In interviews, the cast emphasized that DuniyaPur is entirely original, calling comparisons to international series such as Game of Thrones unfounded.[8][9]
The series is the most expensive project in the history of Pakistani television according to the lead cast and director. The estimated budget of the series is ₹25–30 crore (₹250–300 million).[10][2]
The first teaser for the series was released on 2 September, 2024 by Green Entertainment. The first episode was broadcast on 25 September, 2024 on the same network.[11][12][7]
The original soundtrack for the series is performed by Asrar, Shuja Haider and Rapthor with the lyrics and music composition from Shuja Haider.[15]
The trailer for the series released on 16 September, 2024. The series broadcast on 25 September, 2024 in Pakistan. It airs every Wednesday on Green Entertainment in Prime time (8pm).[13][16]