Dual objectIn category theory, a branch of mathematics, a dual object is an analogue of a dual vector space from linear algebra for objects in arbitrary monoidal categories. It is only a partial generalization, based upon the categorical properties of duality for finite-dimensional vector spaces. An object admitting a dual is called a dualizable object. In this formalism, infinite-dimensional vector spaces are not dualizable, since the dual vector space V∗ doesn't satisfy the axioms.[1] Often, an object is dualizable only when it satisfies some finiteness or compactness property.[2] A category in which each object has a dual is called autonomous or rigid. The category of finite-dimensional vector spaces with the standard tensor product is rigid, while the category of all vector spaces is not. MotivationLet V be a finite-dimensional vector space over some field K. The standard notion of a dual vector space V∗ has the following property: for any K-vector spaces U and W there is an adjunction HomK(U ⊗ V,W) = HomK(U, V∗ ⊗ W), and this characterizes V∗ up to a unique isomorphism. This expression makes sense in any category with an appropriate replacement for the tensor product of vector spaces. For any monoidal category (C, ⊗) one may attempt to define a dual of an object V to be an object V∗ ∈ C with a natural isomorphism of bifunctors
For a well-behaved notion of duality, this map should be not only natural in the sense of category theory, but also respect the monoidal structure in some way.[1] An actual definition of a dual object is thus more complicated. In a closed monoidal category C, i.e. a monoidal category with an internal Hom functor, an alternative approach is to simulate the standard definition of a dual vector space as a space of functionals. For an object V ∈ C define V∗ to be , where 1C is the monoidal identity. In some cases, this object will be a dual object to V in a sense above, but in general it leads to a different theory.[3] DefinitionConsider an object in a monoidal category . The object is called a left dual of if there exist two morphisms
such that the following two diagrams commute:
The object is called the right dual of . This definition is due to Dold & Puppe (1980). Left duals are canonically isomorphic when they exist, as are right duals. When C is braided (or symmetric), every left dual is also a right dual, and vice versa. If we consider a monoidal category as a bicategory with one object, a dual pair is exactly an adjoint pair. Examples
Categories with dualsA monoidal category where every object has a left (respectively right) dual is sometimes called a left (respectively right) autonomous category. Algebraic geometers call it a left (respectively right) rigid category. A monoidal category where every object has both a left and a right dual is called an autonomous category. An autonomous category that is also symmetric is called a compact closed category. TracesAny endomorphism f of a dualizable object admits a trace, which is a certain endomorphism of the monoidal unit of C. This notion includes, as very special cases, the trace in linear algebra and the Euler characteristic of a chain complex. See alsoReferences