Driven (2017 film)
Driven is an unreleased Pakistani action crime-thriller film directed and written by Michael Hudson. The film stars Kamran Faiq, Amna Ilyas, Javed Sheikh, Adnan Shah, Rehan Sheikh, Omair Rana, and Najia Baig.[1][2] Cast
ProductionThe film was mostly written in English language for the "educated audience", as quoted by the director while Urdu had also been used at some parts.[1] Michael developed the script based on the real-life events of actor Kamran Faiq, who would also appear and produce the film.[1] The script was very difficult to write because Hudson had never been to Pakistan before, so he got Faiq's help in writing the script.[3] The other cast included Javed Sheikh, Amna Ilyas, Adnan Shah Tipu, Rehan Sheikh, and Omair Rana.[1] The film would be a co-production of Pakistan, Poland, UK and Russia.[4] FilmingPrincipal photography on the film was done in Lahore, Pakistan, the location was chosen by the director who thought the script was a perfect fit in the country.[1] In May 2015, filming was underway.[5] References
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