DragizhevoDragizhevo is a village in Northern Bulgaria. The village is in Lyaskovets Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo Province. Аccording to the 2020 Bulgarian census, Dragizhevo has a population of 921 people with a permanent address registration in the settlement.[1]
GeographyDragizhevo village is in Northern Bulgaria, 11 kilometers southeast of Veliko Tarnovo, and 4 kilometers from Lyaskovets. The elevation in the village varies between 200 and 299 meters with an average of 210 meters.[2][3] The climate is continental, with a cold winter and a warm summer, making it a good place for agriculture and animal husbandry. History and cultureThe initial establishment of the settlement began with the merger of four or six smaller villages – Batley, Dzhurovets, Fashkovets, and Sharkovets. Buildings
EthnicityAccording to the Bulgarian population census in 2011.[5]