Dr. Stone is an anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga series of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi. Set 3,700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a "Stone World" and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up.
Immediately following the conclusion of the third season, a fourth and final season titled Dr. Stone: Science Future was announced.[1] It is set to premiere with its first cours on January 9, 2025, with a total of three split cours having been confirmed for it.[2][3]
For the first cours, the opening theme song is "Casanova Posse" performed by ALI, while the ending theme song is "Rolling Stone" performed by Breimen.[4]
Ryusui and Senku argue over which route to take to America. Ryusui believes that the voyage will take 70 days on the easiest route known as the Rhumb Line, while Senku believes that it will take 40 days on the quickest but hardest route known as the Great Circle Route. Senku wants to make it to America quickly in order to harvest the corn on time, otherwise if they arrive too late, it will already be winter, and they won't be able to make any revival fluid until next fall, which is a waste of time. In order to settle the dispute, Senku and Ryusui decide to play a game of poker where the winner will decide which route to take for the entire voyage. Gen joins Ryusui's side, causing Senku to believe that he’s going to cheat to win, while Kohaku joins Senku's side so that she can use her eagle eye to prevent Gen from pulling off any tricks to cheat their way to victory. Senku and Ryusui become evenly matched in the game as Kohaku thwarts Gen's attempts at cheating. However, despite being fooled by a distraction caused by Gen in which he switched out Ryusuis' cards, Senku manages to win the game with a royal straight flush at the cost of being affected by urushiol which he is allergic to. In order to improve conditions for the crew, Ryusui sets up a casino outside of the ship so that everyone can join in on the fun. In addition to that, including double food rations, Senku recreates beer as a last component for the crew.
Francois recreates non-alcoholic cocktails for Suika, Tsukasa, Gen, Kohaku, and Senku at Ryusuis' request, much to their satisfaction. Matsukaze shares his story about his late master to a drunken Ginro. Senku revives Hyoga who agrees to train Matsukaze in modern fighting techniques at Tsukasas' request on the condition that he have the right to revive two people, and as a result, Moz and Homura are revived by Senku and reluctantly join the crew. Inspired by the story of the Vikings who sailed across the sea all the way to America, Chrome creates a sunstone with a piece of calcite that they can use to pinpoint the location of the sun in any type of weather condition. After days of sailing across the Pacific Ocean, the science crew finally arrives in America.
"Light Trap in the Darkness" Transliteration: "Kurayami no Yūgatō" (Japanese: 暗闇の誘蛾灯)
January 23, 2025 (2025-01-23)
^ abProduction staff information is taken from the ending credits of each episode