Domino is an attractive and enigmatic woman of thirty, video director, who is empty without love in her life. When a mysterious caller provocatively stimulates her deepest yearnings
she changes her lifestyle to transform her most intimate dreams and desires into an erotic reality.
^James M. Craddock; Thomson Gale (2008). The Video Source Book: A Guide to Programs Currently Available on Video in the Areas Of: Movies/entertainment. Thomson Gale, 2008. ISBN9781414401003.
^Jim Craddock (2002). VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever: 2002. Visible Ink Press, 2001. ISBN9780787657550.
^Louis Paul (1996). Spaghetti Nightmares: Italian Fantasy-horrors as Seen Through the Eyes of Their Protagonists. Fantasma Books, 1996. ISBN9780963498274.