Dobri Dyal
Dobri Dyal is a village in Northern Bulgaria. The village is located in Lyaskovets Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo Province. Аccording to the numbers provided by the 2020 Bulgarian census, Dobri Dyal currently has a population of 1101 people with a permanent address registration in the settlement.[1] Geography and CultureDobri Dyal village is located in Northern Bulgaria The elevation in the village varies between 100 and 199 meters with an average of 121 meters.[2][3] The first mentions of the village date back to Thracian times. There is a Byzantine stronghold near the village which was built in the 5th century. Its name is the "Mihneva Mogila"[4] The village's festival is held yearly on the date of 15 August. It is also called the potato festival and is organized by the local pension club.[5] Buildings
EthnicityAccording to the Bulgarian population census in 2011.[6]