Diary of a Tired Black Man is a narrative dramatic-comedy that is also combined with documentary footage shot across the country. The scripted narrative portion centers around James (Jimmy Jean-Louis) and his wife Tonya (Paula Lema), and James' struggle to deal with his wife's outbursts of anger and antagonistic behavior.
The documentary portion of the film follows Tim Alexander as he goes around getting feedback, opinions and commentary from real-life African-American men and women in various cities across the United States about the challenges they deal with in their marriages and dating relationships.
^"Magnolia Pictures' acquisition of world rights for 'Diary of a Tired Black Man'". Hollywood Reporter. September 11, 2008. p. 406.25. Magnolia has acquired worldwide rights to this weekend's Urbanworld Film Festival entry "Diary of a Tired Black Man." It will screen Saturday at the Urbanworld fest in New York, followed by a 2009 Magnolia release.