Dholera, Mahendragarh
Dholera is a village in the Mahendergarh district of Haryana, India. The Dholera Sarpanch seat is Unreserved. Adjacent villages
Demographics of 2011As of 2011 India census, Dholera (Mahendragarh) had a population of 3424 with a total of 665 households. Males (1833) constitute 53.53% of the population and females (1591) 46.46%. Dholera has an average literacy (2263) rate of 66.09%, which is lower than the national average of 74%: male literacy (1407) is 62.17%, and female literacy (856) is 37.82% of total literates(2263). In Dholera, 10.77% of the population is under 6 years of age (369).[1] References