Departamento Departamento Aeroportuário (RS) Departamento compartido Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas University of the Azores National Planning Department (Colombia) National Administrative Department of Statistics Administrative Department of Public Service (Colombia) Puerto Rico Department of Education Puerto Rico Department of Health Department of the Coast Peralillo Department Quebrachos Department Canelones Department Administrative Department of Security New Mexico Public Education Department Department of Airspace Control Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation La Capital Department Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (Colombia) Colonia Department Magdalena Depart…

tment Puerto Rico Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Capital Department Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources New Mexico Corrections Department Isthmus Department Department of Justice of the Government of Catalonia Antioquia Department Federal Police of Brazil Brazilian advisory rating system DAESP Guairá, Paraguay Oriente Province Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Department of Transportation Isla de Pascu

a Department Itapúa Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Department of Aerospace Development (Ecuador) Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Caazapá Department Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Texas Department of Insurance La Guaira (state) Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Department of Criminal Justice São Paulo State University Complutense University of Madrid New York City Department of Education