As outlined in its founding declaration,[11] the Democratic Alliance defines itself politically as a centrist movement that is ideologically inspired by the anthropocentric values of humanism, the rational thought and personal freedom brought forth by the Enlightenment, as well as the economic, political and social freedom of liberalism as an underpinning for social justice. It is also influenced by the 19th and 20th century struggles for social solidarity in Europe. Some of the positions[12] advocated by the party are:
A drastic reduction in taxation, by instituting a 20% flat tax. This tax rate would not apply to people with really low incomes, as it would be complemented by a system that replaces the currently existing tax cuts with negative taxation.
A reduction in the number of civil servants and the abolition of tenure, for those hired from now on, that would allow the government to function with 2/3 of its current workforce. This would be coupled with increased salaries, for those that remain, that would be pinned to performance evaluations.
A law that would force trade union leaders themselves to work.