Delete and Roll
Delete and Roll is a jazz fusion album by BPM, featuring drummer Terry Bozzio, saxophonist Gerald Preinfalk, and guitarist Alex Machacek. It was recorded in 2001, and was released in 2002 by Next Generation Enterprises.[1][2] ReceptionIn a review for All About Jazz, Helmut Koch called the recording "an excellent crossover album at the fringe of jazz, fusion, avant-garde prog-rock and their numerous sub-genres," and wrote: "Delete and Roll is out and out off-mainstream, an interesting and adventurous amalgam of various musical influences and a brave statement of non-conformist creativity in general."[3] Modern Drummer's Mike Haid stated: "You'll find lots of notes on BPM's Delete and Roll, all of them splattered about lengthy and complex Zappa-style compositions... Bozzio shines as he goes deep into his huge kit."[4] Track listing