Deep Cover (upcoming film)
Deep Cover is an upcoming British comedy film produced by Metronome Film Co. for Prime Video directed by Tom Kingsley, written by Colin Trevorrow, Derek Connolly, Ben Ashenden and Alexander Owen and starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Orlando Bloom, and Nick Mohammed. PremiseThe film is set in the London criminal underworld three improv-actors are recruited by the police for sting operations, but yes, and… their way into a criminal gang.[1] CastProductionIt was announced in February 2024 that Tom Kingsley would direct the film from original script by Derek Connolly and Colin Trevorrow, working in collaboration with British improv duo Ben Ashenden and Alexander Owen. The film is produced by Trevorrow through Metronome Film Co. with Walter F. Parkes and Laurie MacDonald, while Annys Hamilton will be co-producer.[2] On 1 February 2024, the cast was announced to include Bryce Dallas Howard, Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean, Nick Mohammed, Ian McShane, Paddy Considine, Sonoya Mizuno and Ben Rufus Green.[3] Principal photography started on 5 February 2024, in London.[4] ReleaseThe film is set for release by Amazon MGM in 2025.[5] References
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