In 2016 a collective named DIY Diaspora Punx that was assembled by Stephanie Phillips of Big Joanie inspired by Chicago's Black and Brown Punk Fest, the collective also contained other London musicians such as Ray Aggs.[1][3]
Over the weekend of 2 - 4 June 2017 the first Decolonise Fest was held at DIY Space for London with international bands, consisting of live music, workshops and panels.[4]
Panels at the festival have included intergenerational musicians such as Miki Berenyi.[5]
Two more festivals followed in 2018 and 2019, before the Covid-19 Pandemic forced the cancellation of the one planned for 2020, and ultimately the closure of DIY Space For London. Two further festivals have happened at Signature Brew in Haggerston in 2022 and 2024.[6][7][8][9][2][10][11][12]
In 2023 the collective announced a touring version of the festival. The first event was held at Mono in Glasgow on 11 November that year. The lineup was Kapil Seshasayee, R.AGGS (Ray Aggs), and Trishaaa. The second touring event was held at The Castle & Falcon in Birmingham on 30 March 2024. The lineup for that was Blue Ruth, Resting Bitch Face, and Layla Tutt.[13][14]
Alpha Maid, Stanfield, Secret Power, Fish Police, Kapil Seshasayee, The Great Wight, No Home, Shocks of Mighty, Ms Mohammed, Guttfull, Bob Vylan, Nova Twins