Dead Hot
Dead Hot is a British comedy thriller television series created by Charlotte Coben for Amazon Prime Video. The series premiered in the UK and Ireland on 1 March 2024, and in the US and Canada on Tubi on 27 March 2024. SynopsisElliott (Hasna) and Jess (Oparah) are both grieving the disappearance five years previous of Peter, Jess' twin brother and the love of Elliott's life.[1] Cast
Notable Mention
ProductionThe series was commissioned by Amazon Prime Video in 2023, written, created, and executive produced by Charlotte Coben, and executive produced by Nicola Shindler for Quay Street Productions.[3] CastingHasna, Serefanowitz and Wilton were revealed in the cast in August 2023.[4] FilmingSet in Liverpool, filming got underway in the summer of 2023 in the North West of England.[5] BroadcastThe series was broadcast on Amazon Prime Video in the United Kingdom and Ireland on 1 March 2024.[6] As of the Fall of 2024, the programme streams in Canada via Tubi.[7] References
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