Born on 2 February 1908 in the village of Buknari,[3] He graduated from Tbilisi State University in 1928.[1] From 1934 he started working in his Alma Mater, and one year later, in 1935, he also started doing research at the Mathematics Institute of the Georgian Academy of Science.[1] In 1945 he earned both the Doktor Nauk degree and the title of professor.[1]
Selected publications
Dolidze, D. E. (1954), Единственность решения основной граничной задачи вязкой несжимаемой жидкости, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, novaya Seriya (in Russian), 96 (3): 437–439, Zbl0059.19702.
Долидзе, Давид Егорович (1980), Труды [К 70-летию со дня рождения математика] [Works] (in Russian), Тбилиси: Тбилисский университет, p. 210. His "Works", published by the Tbilisi State University on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Kurosh, A. G.; Vityushkov, V. I.; Boltyanskii, V. G.; Dynkin, E. B.; Shilov, G. E.; Yushkevich, A. P., eds. (1959), Математика в СССР за сорок лет 1917–1957 (in Russian), vol. Том второй: Биобиблиография, Москва: Государственное Издательство Физико–Математическои Литературы, p. 819, MR0115874, Zbl0191.27501. The "Mathematics in the USSR during its first forty years 1917–1957" is an opus in two volumes describing the developments of Soviet mathematics during the first forty years of its existence. This is the second volume, titled "Biobibliography" (evidently an acronym for biography and bibliography), containing a complete bibliography of works published by Soviet mathematicians during that time period, alphabetically ordered with respect to author's surname and including, when possible, brief but complete biographies of the authors.
შარიქაძე, ჯ. (1978), მაღნარაძე, ლ. (ed.), დავით დოლიძე (ცხოვრება და მოღვაწეობა) [David Dolidze (Life and work)] (in Georgian), თბილისი: თბილისის უნივერსიტეტი გამომცემლობა, p. 18. A commemorative booklet written by Jondo Sharikadze, former pupil of David Dolidze, and published by the Tbilisi University Press.