Darkon (film)
Darkon is a 2006 American documentary film that follows the real-life adventures of the Darkon Wargaming Club in Baltimore, Maryland, a group of fantasy live-action role-playing (LARP) gamers. The film was directed by Andrew Neel and Luke Meyer, who engaged in a collaborative process with the role-players of the Darkon Wargaming Club as they made the documentary.[1] Meyer and Neel began filming for the documentary in 2003. Darkon premiered and won the Best Documentary Audience Award at the 2006 South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival in Austin, Texas.[2] Darkon was an official selection playing at Hot Docs, Maryland Film Festival, Silverdocs, LA Film Festival, Britdoc, Melbourne International Film Festival and the Camden International Film Festival.[citation needed] The film was produced by Ovie Entertainment and SeeThink Films.[citation needed] The documentary served as inspiration for the 2008 comedy film Role Models.[3] John Hodgman was also hired to write a scripted film adaptation of Darkon.[4] However, plans fell through, but an excerpt of the unproduced screenplay was read on his podcast Judge John Hodgman.[4] ReceptionDarkon was well received by critics. The film was a New York Times Critic's Pick[5] and has an 89% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on the reviews of 19 critics.[6] References
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