Dark of Night
Dark of Night is an American dramatic anthology series that aired on the DuMont Television Network on Fridays at 8:30pm EST[1] from October 3, 1952, to May 1, 1953.[2] The series starred mostly unknown actors. In it, the character known as "The Stranger" traveled to a different site each week in order to solve a crime. Each episode was filmed at a different location in the New York City area. , Locations included a Coca-Cola bottling plant, Brentano's book store in Manhattan, a castle in New Jersey, and the American Red Cross Blood Bank.[1] Dark of Night was one of the first network dramas to use such locations, which saved money for the network.[3] ProductionDark of Night was broadcast live. Frank Bunetta was the producer and director.[2] Episode statusThough most episodes of DuMont series were eventually destroyed, the UCLA Film and Television Archive has one episode of Dark of Night.[4] See also
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