Dark Rain Chronicles
Dark Rain Chronicles is a Maldivian anthology web series directed by Ali Shifau. The first season, comprising six revenge thriller short segments, premiered on 12 November 2022. All segments from the first season were directed by Ali Shifau with Shifau and Ahmed Tholal credited as the writers. The second season consisting of eight segments focusing on love, premiered on 1 January 2024. Shahudha Mahmood joined Shifau in the second season, directing four segments and being credited as the writer for five segments. Cast and charactersSeason 1 (2022)
Season 2 (2024)
ChaptersSeries overview
Season 1: Revenge thriller (2022)
Season 2: Love (2024)
DevelopmentOn 14 September 2020, on the occasion of Dark Rain Entertainment's fourteenth anniversary, they announced several projects including Dark Rain Chronicles, written and directed by Ali Shifau.[1] Filming for the last episode titled "Nostalgia" commenced on 20 July 2022, which was anticipated to be the pilot episode of the series. During the time, the team announced that the first season will consist of a total of five episodes, later adding another episode to the season.[2] Filming for the second episode titled Fureytha was completed in August 2022.[3] Filming for the second season commenced in October 2023.[4] Presenter, Shahudha Mahmoodh was reported to rope in to direct two episodes of the second season, out of which the episodes titled "Lemon Cake" was confirmed to be written by Mahmood.[5] Script for this segment was completed in two days.[5] Release and receptionIn August 2022, Dark Rain Entertainment announced that first season consisting six episodes will premiere in October 2022.[6] The series was later pushed for a November release.[7] The first episode of the series titled "Assalaam Alaikum" was released on 12 November 2022 through Baiskoafu.[8] The six episodes of the first season received positive reviews from critics.[8] The first series focuses on six stories of ultimate revenge.[9] The first episode titled Assalaam Alaikum featuring Adam Rizwee and Sharaf Abdulla, follows a protective son avenging a scammer for the death of his mother.[9] The second episode titled Fureytha features Aishath Yaadha as a helpless wife committing a heinous crime against her abusive husband.[9] The third episode Rankolhaa focuses on the sensitive child who has been molested by her step-father and her fruitful revenge years later.[9] The fourth episode titled Surprise narrates a manipulative, wealthy businessman and his revenge on his unfaithful wife.[9] The fifth episode titled Party features Ali Shameel as a drug addict father avenging his son's murder while the last episode of the series Nostalgia narrates the vengeance of a person bullied during childhood.[9] References