Dario sp. 'Myanmar'Dario sp. 'Myanmar' is a small growing, attractively patterned fish, a relative of the more well-known Scarlet Badis found originating in Northern Myanmar (Burma) found in shallow, slow-moving waters. DistributionDario sp. 'Myanmar' is probably endemic to northern Myanmar and possibly to the state of Kachin, close to the city of Myitkyina. A pair of males from separate localities were included in the type series of D. hysginon (see ‘Notes’)[moved resource?] with details given as ‘stream about 1.5 km on road Myitzon-Myitkyina’ and ‘ditch marginal to fish ponds about 40km N Myitkyina, on road to Myitzon’.[1] HabitatNo details are available but the possibly sympatric Dario hysginon shows a marked preference for small, often murky pools with dense growths of aquatic plants or submerged grasses.[2] DietDario species are micropredators feeding on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae and other zooplankton. In the aquarium hobby, it is advised to feed them a varied diet of Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal, microworms, and banana worm.[2] BreedingDario sp. 'Myanmar' is a substrate spawner forming temporary pair bonds.[2] References