DJ & the Fro
DJ & the Fro is an adult animated series created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein for MTV. The show focuses on two co-workers, DJ and The Fro, who work at the fictitious company Oppercon Industries.[1] They rarely do work, and instead look for funny videos on the Internet, which they comment on (similar to Beavis and Butt-head and Station Zero with music videos). The show’s creators, Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein originally created Comedy Central's Drawn Together.[2] Within weeks of its debut, DJ & the Fro was moved from its 5:00 pm EST time slot to 12:30 am EST time slot due to the Parents Television Council deeming it "too racy for daytime T.V." Cast
ReceptionCommon Sense Media rated the show 2 out of 5 stars.[3] External linksReferences