The genus name stems from Greek noun κύστις (kustis), meaning "bladder" and Neo-Latin masculine noun bacter "rod" consequently the Neo-Latin masculine noun Cystobacter means bladder-forming rod.[3]
The genus contains 8 species (including basonyms and synonyms), namely[3]
C. armeniaca Reichenbach 2007 (L. fem. n. armeniaca, an apricot-tree, intended to mean apricot-colored.)[4]
C. badius Reichenbach 2007 (L. masc. adj. badius, chestnut brown.)[4]
C. ferrugineus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski 1927) McCurdy 1970 (L. masc. adj. ferrugineus, of the color of iron-rust, dark-red.)[1]