Cyclic sievingIn combinatorial mathematics, cyclic sieving is a phenomenon in which an integer polynomial evaluated at roots of unity counts the symmetries of the action of a cyclic group on a finite set.[1] Given a family of such phenomena, the polynomials give a q-analogue for the enumeration of the sets, often arising from an underlying algebraic structure such as a representation. DefinitionLet Cn be the cyclic group of order n acting on a finite set X, and suppose f(q) is a polynomial with integer coefficients. The triple (X, Cn, f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon (or CSP) if for all positive integers d dividing n, the number of elements in X fixed by the subgroup Cd of Cn is equal to f(e2πi/d). If Cn acts by rotation on the set X, then this counts elements with d-fold rotational symmetry. Equivalently, if c is an element of order n in Cn, then f(e2πid/n) counts the number of elements in X fixed by cd for every integer d. ExampleLet X be the set of size-2 subsets of {1, 2, 3, 4}. The cyclic group C4 acts on X by increasing each element by in the subset by one (where 4 is sent back to 1). This action splits X into an orbit of size two and an orbit of size four. If f(q) = 1 + q + 2q2 + q3 + q4, then f(1) = 6 is the number of elements in X, f(-1) = 2 counts elements fixed by two iterations of the action, and f(i) = 0 counts elements fixed by one iteration. Hence, the triple (X, C4, f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon. More generally, set and define the q-binomial coefficient by which is an integer polynomial evaluating to the usual binomial coefficient at q = 1. For any positive integer d dividing n, If Xn,k is the set of size-k subsets of {1, 2, ..., n} with Cn acting by increasing each element in the subset by one (and sending n back to 1), and if fn,k(q) is the q-binomial coefficient above, then (Xn,k, Cn, fn,k(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon for every 0 ≤ k ≤ n.[2] In representation theoryThe cyclic sieving phenomenon can be naturally stated in the language of representation theory. The group action of Cn on X is linearly extended to obtain a representation, and the decomposition of this representation into irreducibles determines the required coefficients of the polynomial f(q).[3] Let V = C[X] be the vector space over the complex numbers C with a basis indexed by a finite set X. If the cyclic group Cn acts on X, then linearly extending each action turns V into a representation of Cn. If c generates Cn, the linear extension of its action on X gives a permutation matrix [c], and the trace of [c]d counts the elements of X fixed by cd. In particular, the triple (X, Cn, f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon if and only if f(e2πid/n) = χ(cd) for every integer d, where χ is the character of V. This gives a method for determining the polynomial f(q). For every integer k, let V(k) be the one-dimensional representation of Cn in which the generator c acts as scalar multiplication by e2πik/n. For an integer polynomial the triple (X, Cn, f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon if and only if Further examplesLet W be a finite set of words of the form w = w1w2...wn where each letter wj is an integer and W is closed under permutation (that is, if w is in W, then so is any anagram of w). The major index of a word w is the sum of all indices j such that wj > wj+1, and is written as maj(w). If Cn acts on W by rotating the letters of each word, and f(q) is the polynomial then (W, Cn, f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon.[4] The triple exhibit a cyclic sieving phenomenon, where is the set of non-crossing (1,2)-configurations of [n − 1].[5] Let λ be a rectangular partition of size n, and let X be the set of standard Young tableaux of shape λ. Let C = Z/nZ act on X via promotion. Then exhibit the cyclic sieving phenomenon. Note that the polynomial is a q-analogue of the hook length formula. Furthermore, let λ be a rectangular partition of size n, and let X be the set of semi-standard Young tableaux of shape λ. Let C = Z/kZ act on X via k-promotion. Then exhibit the cyclic sieving phenomenon. Here, and sλ is the Schur polynomial.[6] An increasing tableau is a semi-standard Young tableau, where both rows and columns are strictly increasing, and the set of entries is of the form for some . Let denote the set of increasing tableau with two rows of length n, and maximal entry . Then exhibit the cyclic sieving phenomenon, where act via K-promotion.[7] Let be the set of permutations of cycle type λ and exactly j exceedances. Let , and let act on by conjugation. Then exhibit the cyclic sieving phenomenon.[8] Notes and references