Crawford (TV series)Crawford is a Canadian television comedy series that aired on CBC Television in 2018.[1] Created by Mike Clattenburg and Mike O'Neill, the series stars Jill Hennessy and John Carroll Lynch as Cynthia and Owen, the parents of a dysfunctional family.[2] Kyle Mac stars as their middle son, Don, who comes home to make his new record after he is kicked out of his band, but discovers his ability to speak to raccoons which takes him on a new career path. Alice Moran stars as his older sister, Wendy, who's trying to find her place in the world as well; Daniel Davis Yang stars as their younger brother Brian, who has an uncanny talent at bringing the family together, despite their differences. The cast also includes Chad Connell, Tim Progosh, Steffi DiDomenicantonio, Megan Hutchings, Dalmar Abuzeid, Kelly McCormack, Steven McCarthy and Supinder Wraich. The series is following a "hybrid" release strategy,[3] under which the show was released in its entirety on the CBC Comedy web platform in February 2018, in advance of airing on the regular television network later that summer.[4] EpisodesSeason 1 (2018)
ReceptionCritical responseThe show has received mixed reviews. John Doyle of The Globe and Mail, wrote that the show is "startlingly original and it has a plain but profound theme – everybody's weird, so let's just make peace with that and see life and the world as one long, amiable comedy." Doyle had a warm reaction to the show and its co-creator, Mike Clattenburg, best known for Trailer Park Boys, saying "It is nobody's idea of a family sitcom and the better for that. Trailer Park Boys was nobody's idea of a comedy at first."[5] Norman Wilner of Now was more critical of the series, calling the first three episodes not remotely funny.[6] References
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