Council of Constantinople View of the Hagia Sophia as it would have appeared in Byzantine Constantinople
Council of Constantinople can refer to the following church councils (also known as synods ) convened in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey ):
Council of Constantinople (360) , a local council
First Council of Constantinople (381), the Second Ecumenical Council
Council of Constantinople (382) , a council convened by Theodosius I .
Council of Constantinople (383) , a local council, rejected teachings of Eunomius
Council of Constantinople (394) , a local council, produced several canons
Council of Constantinople (518) , affirmed the Council of Chalcedon (451)
Council of Constantinople (536) , deposed Anthimus I of Constantinople , condemned opponents of the Council of Chalcedon
Synod of Constantinople (543) , a local council which condemned Origen of Alexandria
Second Council of Constantinople (553), the Fifth Ecumenical Council
Third Council of Constantinople (680), the Sixth Ecumenical Council
Council of Constantinople (692), also called the Quinisext Council or Council in Trullo
Council of Constantinople (754), better known as the Council of Hieria
Council of Constantinople (815) , a local council that restored iconoclasm
Council of Constantinople (843) , a local council that restored the veneration of icons (the 'Triumph of Orthodoxy ')
Council of Constantinople (861) , a local council that confirmed the deposition of Ignatios of Constantinople and election of Photios I of Constantinople
Councils of differing interpretation between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
Councils after the schism (only attended by Eastern Orthodox bishops)
Council of Constantinople (1082) , a local council convened to condemn John Italus
Council of Constantinople (1094) , also known as the Council of Blachernae (1094) , a local council convened to condemn Leo of Chalcedon
Council of Constantinople (1285) , also known as the Council of Blachernae (1285) , a local council that rejected the Roman Catholic Second Council of Lyon
Fifth Council of Constantinople (1341–1351), considered the Ninth Ecumenical Council by some Orthodox, resolved the Hesychast controversy
Synod of Constantinople (1484) , condemned the Roman Catholic Council of Florence
Council of Constantinople (1583) , decided not to accept the Gregorian calendar
Council of Constantinople (1593) , approved the creation of the Moscow Patriarchate
Synod of Constantinople (1638) , condemned Cyril Lucaris ' Confession
Council of Constantinople (1722) , condemned all forms of Catholicisation
Council of Constantinople (1756) , affirmed the necessity of rebaptism for Roman Catholics converting to Orthodox Christianity
Council of Constantinople (1848) , issued the Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs , a reply to Pope Pius IX's In Suprema Petri Apostoli Sede epistle (also titled the Epistle to the Easterners )
Council of Constantinople (1872) , condemned phyletism as a non-Orthodox schismatic movement
Council of Constantinople (1923) , a major council, (although not ecumenical,) introduced several reforms, most controversially the revised Julian calendar reform
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