CommonWealth Magazine (Taiwan)

CommonWealth Magazine
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Available inChinese
Founder(s)Yin Yun-peng
Charles Kao
Wang Lixing

CommonWealth Magazine (Chinese: 天下雜誌) is a Taiwanese magazine established in 1981, primarily focuses on finance, politics and humanities.


CommonWealth Magazine was founded by Yin Yu-peng [zh], Charles Kao [zh], and Wang Lixing [zh] in 1981, following the United States' de-recognition of Taiwan and the severance of diplomatic relations.[1] Yin decided to establish a news magazine to address Taiwan's international information deficit.[1][2] The magazine primarily focuses on finance, with additional coverage of politics, humanities, and environmental protection.[3] It is well known for its annual ranking of the top 2000 Taiwanese enterprises.[4] CommonWealth has generally been regarded as politically neutral, although occasional criticism has emerged regarding a perceived leaning towards the pan-blue coalition in the late 2010s.[2][5]

In 1986, Yin Yu-peng and Charles Kao had different visions for the company. Yu aimed to concentrate on domestic issues in Taiwan, while Kao intended to expand into the Chinese market.[6] As a result, CommonWealth was divided into three divisions: CommonWealth Magazine, chaired by Yu; Global Views - Commonwealth Publishing Group [zh], led by Kao; and Global Views Monthly [zh], with Wang Lixing as the chief editor.[6] In 2021, on the 40th anniversary of CommonWealth, Yu announced his retirement and appointed six executives, including Wu Yin-Chuen, the current president of the company, to co-lead the organization.[1] The magazine has also received several Golden Tripod awards, including Best Digital Publication and Best Financial and Current Affairs Magazine in the 42nd and 45th Golden Tripods.[7][8]


  1. ^ a b c 葉冠吟 (11 August 2021). "殷允芃創辦天下雜誌耕耘40載 宣布交棒6名專業經理人" (in Chinese). Central News Agency. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  2. ^ a b "王其》40年天下雜誌帶給我們什麼?" (in Chinese). I Media. 16 August 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  3. ^ "台灣雜誌線上看:2023 年不能錯過的 11 本台灣雜誌推薦". Vocus (in Chinese). Kono E-Magazine. 26 June 2021. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  4. ^ 劉立諭 (16 May 2023). "2023《天下雜誌》「2000 大企業調查」結果出爐" (in Chinese). Economic Daily News. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  5. ^ 王榮祥 (16 November 2018). "天下雜誌隨書附韓國瑜募款小廣告 讀者不滿質疑立場不中" (in Chinese). Liberty Times. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  6. ^ a b 黃郁棋 (14 September 2016). "你分得清楚「天下」跟「遠見」之間的關係嗎?" (in Chinese). SET News. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  7. ^ 林仙怡; 彭冠霖 (4 October 2018). "金鼎獎出爐! 天下雜誌奪數位出版2獎" (in Chinese). CTS News. Retrieved 1 April 2024.
  8. ^ 王寶兒 (15 October 2021). "金鼎獎得獎名單出爐 印刻總編輯初安民獲特別貢獻獎" (in Chinese). Central News Agency. Retrieved 1 April 2024.