Commodore 8060
The Commodore 8060, 8061, and 8062 are a series of 8" floppy disk drives developed by Commodore Business Machines. These disk drives use the parallel interface IEEE-488 to connect with Commodore's PET and CBM-II line of microcomputers. The 8060 is a single-disk model, while the 8061 and 8062 are both double-drive models similar to the later Commodore 8280 8" drive. The drives in the 806x series are full-height Shugart SA-800s. All of the models in the 8060 series use Commodore group coded recording (GCR) for disk reading and writing; the later 8061 and 8062 models can also read and write IBM 3740 format disks.[2] Each drive in the series contains two MOS 6502 microprocessors for operating the disk controllers and executing the built-in disk operating system. The built-in operating system is CBM DOS 2.7. The ROM on the 8061 and 8062 does not contain support for formatting disks; instead a provided utility disk had the formatter program, which allows the user to select between native 806x and IBM 3740 formats. The utility disk also contained a program for doing whole disk copies of IBM disks as well as the References