The Committee of Concerned Scientists (CCS) is an independent international organization devoted to the protection and advancement of human rights and scientific freedom of scientists, physicians, engineers, and scholars.[1]
The Committee was formed in 1972 in Washington and New York as an ad hoc group of scientists and scholars concerned about violations of academic freedom and the persecution of scientists around the world.[2] (Sometimes, the creation of the Committee is dated to 1973.[3])
The Committee lobbied both the Soviet and Western governments on behalf of these oppressed scholars, provided moral and financial support to them, and organized conferences and meetings of refuseniks, including in the Soviet Union itself. Sometimes, the Committee of Concerned Scientists is credited with having coined the actual term "refusenik".[11] The Committee played an active role in helping such Soviet dissidents as Andrei Sakharov, Natan Sharansky, Yuri Orlov, Benjamin Levich, and others.[12]
Subsequently, CCS expanded its activities to pursue human rights and academic freedom issues in other countries. For example, CCS lobbied both the Chinese and the U.S. governments on behalf of the Chinese astrophysicistFang Lizhi, who supported dissident students during the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.[13] After his immigration to the U.S., Fang Lizhi served on the CCS himself.[14] In 2001, the CCS lobbied the Russian government and the Russian President Vladimir Putin in support of the Russian scientist Igor Sutyagin, who was accused by the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) of treason and espionage.[15] In 2016, CCS made an appeal to then-Chilean President Michelle Bachelet to reopen the case of Boris Weisfeiler, a mathematician who disappeared in Chile in 1985.[16] In 2019, CCS made the case to Donald Trump, then U.S. president, to end a described campaign to intimidate U.S. scientists of Chinese ethnicity.[17]
The Committee issues an annual report about cases of abuse of academic freedom and human rights of scientists and scholars around the world.[18]
Mathematical physicistJoel Lebowitz has been the long-term co-chair of the CCS, alongside the other three current co-chairs: physicist Eugene Chudnovsky, psychiatrist Walter Reich, and chemist Alexander Greer. Sophie Cook, a retired government lawyer and mediator, served as executive director from 2008 to 2015. Her successor was Carol Susan Valoris, who was employed as executive director from 2015 to 2023. The current executive director is Alexandra Bender.[23]