Committed (Canadian TV series)
Committed is a Canadian animated sitcom based on the comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry,[1] co-produced by Nelvana Limited and Philippine Animation Studio Inc., the series aired on CTV from March 3 to June 8, 2001, and was broadcast by WE: Women's Entertainment as WE TV’s first scripted original series in the United States.[2] ContentThe show is based on the comic strip of the same name. It features mother Liz Larsen, her husband Joe, their children, Tracy, Zelda, and Nicholas; and their pet dog, Bob. The show's comedy focuses on the parents' attempts to balance their careers and personal lives while raising their children. Interludes of the cartoon feature Bob acting as a Greek chorus.[3] Bob also breaks the fourth wall throughout the series. The show features celebrity voice talents such as Eugene Levy as Joe Larsen, Catherine O' Hara as Liz Larsen, Andrea Martin as Frances Wilder, and Dave Foley as Bob the Dog.
Critical receptionLynne Heffley of The Los Angeles Times gave the show a mostly-negative review, stating that "Not even the show's few moments of genuinely resonant parental reality can overcome forced plotlines".[4] References
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