Cohort Cohort study Retrospective cohort study Prospective cohort study Cohort (military unit) Cohort effect Cohort analysis Lothian birth-cohort studies Cohort default rate Cohortes urbanae Cohort model PAQUID cohort Millennium Cohort Study (United States) Cohort (statistics) Cohort (educational group) Nested case–control study Cohort Studios British birth cohort studies Federated Learning of Cohorts Millennium Cohort Family Study Ludwig-McGill HPV Cohort Study of Transition, Outcomes, and Gender Pathobiology of Early Arthritis Cohort Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Millennium Cohort Study 1970 British Cohort Study COSMOS cohort study Vigiles Africa/Harvard School of Public Health Part…

tnership for Cohort Research and Training Praetorian Guard Ontario Academic Credit Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Alpinorum auxiliary regiments Batch 10 Generation Marvin Wolfgang Binary integer decimal Auxilia European Sleep Apnea Database Hortative Alpine regiments of the Roman army Evocatus Taxonomic rank Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study Dutch famine of 1944–1945 Warrant officer (United Stat

es) The Ascension (professional wrestling)