Closed categoryIn category theory, a branch of mathematics, a closed category is a special kind of category. In a locally small, the external hom (x, y) maps a pair of objects to a set of morphisms. So in the category of sets, this is an object of the category itself. In the same vein, in a closed category, the (object of) morphisms from one object to another can be seen as lying inside the category. This is the internal hom [x, y]. Every closed category has a forgetful functor to the category of sets, which in particular takes the internal hom to the external hom. DefinitionA closed category can be defined as a category with a so-called internal Hom functor with left Yoneda arrows natural in and and dinatural in , and a fixed object of with a natural isomorphism and a dinatural transformation
all satisfying certain coherence conditions. Examples