Clitic doublingIn linguistics, clitic doubling, or pronominal reduplication is a phenomenon by which clitic pronouns appear in verb phrases together with the full noun phrases that they refer to (as opposed to the cases where such pronouns and full noun phrases are in complementary distribution). Clitic doubling is found in many languages, including Albanian, Aromanian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Degema, Greek, Persian, Romanian, Somali, Italian, and Spanish. The conditions on clitic doubling vary from language to language, generally depending on well-known properties of the objects along the animacy hierarchy (allowing, requiring, or forbidding clitic-doubling for different kinds of objects). In this regard, clitic doubling for objects can be viewed as a species of differential object marking. SpanishSpanish is one well-known example of a clitic-doubling language, having clitic doubling for both direct and indirect objects. Because standard Spanish grammatical structure does not draw a clear distinction between an indirect object and a direct object referring to a person or another animate entity (see Spanish prepositions), it is common but not compulsory to use clitic doubling to clarify. Compare:
In such constructions, the indirect object can be expressed both as a full noun phrase and as a clitic in order to note that the noun phrase beginning with a (to) should be understood as an indirect object. Le To her di I gave un a regalo gift a to mi my madre. mother "I gave my mother a gift." A to mis my invitados guests siempre always les to them ofrezco I offer café. coffee "I always offer coffee to my guests." No not les to them des give comida food a to los the animales. animals "Do not give food to the animals." This usage is highly preferred for many verbs, but for some verbs it is not compulsory, and it would also be valid to say: "Siempre ofrezco café a mis invitados", without clitic doubling. Similarly, the direct object may also be doubled, with both the direct object pronoun and the full noun phrase, but this is not as common as indirect clitic doubling and is usually influenced by definiteness, animacy, and specificity.
One particular use is to clarify emphatic structures:
ItalianIn Italian, clitic doubling can be used for emphasis, is often viewed as a colloquial pleonasm, and is considered "incorrect" by many prescriptive grammarians.[1]
Despite what prescriptive grammars hold, clitic doubling is not only correct, but also mandatory in some contexts.
The latter contrasts with *a me non ha chiamato, which is not a possible sentence. IlokoIn Iloko, a third person pronoun must co-occur with the full noun phrase to which it refers when 1) the noun phrase is the agent of a transitive verb and a pronoun is the patient, or when 2) the noun phrase is the possessor and a pronoun is the thing possessed. The appropriate fused personal pronoun is used and the number of its third person component must agree with the noun phrase. Examples: Nakita ni Maria ni Juan. Maria saw Juan. Nakitana ni Juan. She saw Juan. BUT... Nakitanaka ni Maria. Maria saw you. NOT *Nakitaka ni Maria. Na-kita PERF.ABIL-"see" saw -naka 3S.ERG+2S.ABS she=you ni ART
Maria PR Maria 'Maria saw you.' Unknown glossing abbreviation(s) (help); NOT: *Nakitaak ni Maria. Na-kita PERF.ABIL-"see" saw -data 3P.ERG+1D.ABS they=(two of) us da ART
Maria PR Maria ken CONJ and ni ART
Juan PR John 'Maria and John saw (the two of) us.' Unknown glossing abbreviation(s) (help); NOT: *Nakitaak da Maria ken ni Juan. Anak "child" child -daka 3P.ERG+2S.ABS their=you dagiti ART the ag- Rizal KIN PR Rizal's 'You are the Rizals' child.' NOT: *Anakka dagiti Rizal. LombardIn Lombard, clitics are widely used with both nouns and pronouns. Te gh'el diset ti a la Rina che l'è staa luu? Te You gh' to her el it diset (you) tell ti you a la Rina to Rina che that l' it è has staa been luu? he? Will you tell OR Would you mind telling Rina it was him [who did it]? VenetianIn Venetian, clitics usually double the second singular person subject and third singular and plural subject. The above, if literally translated into English, would be redundant: I The (parents) mii mine i they vien come doman tomorrow 'My parents come tomorrow' Marco Marco el he Vien comes doman tomorrow 'Marco comes tomorrow' Ti You te/ti/tu you vien come doman tomorrow 'You come tomorrow' Interrogative subjects clitics double also other subjects. They attach to the verb: Cantè-o Sing-you anca also voaltri/e? you (PL.M/F) 'Do you (pl.) sing as well?' Accusative clitics double first and second singular/plural direct object Te you go (I) have visto seen ti you In some varieties of the language, also dative clitics may double and indirect object, even of third person: Marco Mark el he ghe to him ga has dà given un a libro book a to Toni Tony Macedonian and BulgarianIn the standard Macedonian language, clitic doubling is obligatory with definite direct and indirect objects, which contrasts with standard Bulgarian where clitic doubling is optional. Non-standard dialects of Macedonian and Bulgarian have differing rules regarding clitic doubling.[1] ArabicClitic doubling is found in Levantine dialects of Arabic, such as Lebanese Arabic:
Similar patterns are found in Maltese, where, however, they might also be due to Romance influence. DegemaClitic doubling occurs in Degema, as it does in Romance and Slavic languages. However, clitic doubling in Degema is not associated with the presence of a preposition as in Romance languages like Spanish nor is it associated with topicality or specificity as in Slavic languages like Bulgarian. Rather, what makes clitic doubling in Degema possible are syntactic (movement and anaphoricity) and discourse (emphasis and/or familiarity) factors (Kari 2003)[2] Consider (1) below: (1) Eni elephant mo=sire CL=run 'An elephant is running' In (1) the subject noun phrase (NP) 'Eni' is doubled by the clitic 'mo='. The clitic agrees in person, number and case with the doubled subject NP. Example (2) shows that specific and non-specific subjects in Degema can be doubled by a clitic:
Example (3) shows that both topicalized and non-topicalized NPs in Degema can be doubled by a clitic:
In Degema, the preposition does not feature in clitic doubling constructions in particular and in cliticization in general. Although there are object NPs such as indirect object NPs that can cooccur with a preposition, there are no corresponding object clitics to double them, unlike subject NPs. Kari (2003: 135f) adds that "syntactic factors are stronger than discourse factors in the licensing of clitic doubling in Degema. Discourse factors only ensure the expression or suppression of the doubled NP after syntactic operations have taken place". See alsoNotes