Chuteira Preta
Chuteira Preta is a Brazilian drama television series written and directed by Paulo Nascimento. The first season consists of 13 episodes and premiered on Prime Box Brazil on July 13, 2019.[1] PremiseExposing the association football underworld that causes career decline and financial losses. The series follows the story of the soccer player Kadu (Márcio Kieling). After a successful career in teams from Portugal and Spain, the athlete has a disastrous return to Brazilian football. He decides to return to his roots in periphery soccer, when he was not a professional and used to play soccer barefoot.[2] Cast
ProductionFilmingThe series was filmed for seven weeks, between March and April 2018, around the Metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. In total, there were 130 sets and 50 different locations, including the Estádio Beira-Rio, periphery soccer fields, villages and the Port of Porto Alegre.[3] References
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