The opening ceremony took place at the Fisht Olympic Stadium. The ceremony included the lighting of the Paralympic Cauldron, as well as the athlete's parade. In response to Russia's military intervention, Ukraine only sent their flag bearer, Mykhaylo Thackenko, into the ceremony, with the others remaining outside in protest. There were huge cheers when Ukraine was announced, however.[1][2]
In the standing event, Marie Bochet (France) recorded a time of 1:30.72 to win the gold medal. Inga Medvedeva (Russia) finished second, with Allison Jones (USA) in third.
In the sitting event, Anna Schaffelhuber (Germany) recorded a time of 1:35.55 to finish with the gold medal. Alana Nichols (USA) finished just 0.14 seconds behind for silver, with Laurie Stephens (also USA) taking bronze.
In the sitting event, Andrea Eskau (Germany) finished first with no misses, and a calculated time of 19:12.4. Russia's Svetlana Konovalova finished second, 18.7 seconds behind, and Olena Iurkovska (Ukraine) finished third.
In the sitting event, Russian Roman Petushkov finished with no misses in first. Maksym Yarovyi (Ukraine) finished second and Kozo Kubo (Japan) third, both also with no misses.
In the standing event, Canadian Mark Arendz finished second, 0.7 seconds behind Vladislav Lekomtcev (Russia), who won gold. The next three places were all filled by Russian athletes, with Azat Karachurin winning the bronze medal.