Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 13th century
A list of people, who died during the 13th century, who have received recognition as Blessed (through beatification) or Saint (through canonization) from the Catholic Church:
Name |
Birth |
Birthplace |
Death |
Place of death |
Blessed Fulco of Neuilly |
1201 |
Ludan (Ludain, Luden) |
Scotland |
1202 |
Scherkirchen, France |
William of Eskhill |
1125 |
Paris, France |
1203 |
Denmark |
Isfrid of Ratzeburg |
1204 |
Ratzeburg, Schleswig-Holstein |
Obitius |
1150 |
Brescia, Italy |
1204 |
Blessed Jane of Aza |
1205 |
Blessed William of Fenoli |
1205 |
Artaldus (Arthaud) |
1101 |
Sothonod, Savoy, France |
1206 |
Lochieu, France |
Bishop of Belley
Bona of Pisa |
1156 |
Pisa, Italy |
1207 |
Pisa, Italy |
Blessed Diego De Avezedo |
1207 |
Bishop of Osma
Blessed Gerard of Villamagna |
1207 |
Julian |
1127 |
Burgos, Spain |
1208 |
Cuenca, Spain |
Bishop of Cuenca
Blessed Peter of Castelnau |
1208 |
William of Bourges |
1149 |
Nevers, France |
1209 |
Bourges, France |
Archbishop of Bourges
Blessed Adam of Loccum |
1210 |
Blessed Alpais |
1211 |
Felix of Valois |
1127 |
Valois, France |
1212 |
Brumetz, Picardy, France |
Blessed Charles de Sayn |
1212 |
John of Matha |
1154 |
Faucon-de-Barcelonnette, France |
1213 |
Rome, Italy |
Blessed Mary of Oignies |
1180 |
1213 |
Albert |
1150 |
Parma, Italy |
1215 |
Patriarch of Jerusalem
Blessed Hroznata |
1160 |
1217 |
Franca Visalta |
1170 |
Piacenza, Italy |
1218 |
Pittoli, Italy |
Blessed Robert of Knaresborough |
1160 |
1218 |
Aldebrandus (Hildebrand) |
1119 |
Sorrivoli, Italy |
1219 |
Fossombrone, Italy |
Bishop of Fossombrone
Berard and Companions |
Carbio, Umbria, Italy |
1220 |
Morocco |
Blessed Reginald |
1183 |
1220 |
Blessed Walter of Bierbeeke |
1220 |
Abraham of Smolensk |
Smolensk, Russia |
1221 |
Smolensk, Russia |
Daniel and Companions |
1221 |
Ceuta, Then Morocco, present-day Spain |
Dominic, priest, founder of the Dominican Order of Preachers |
1170 |
Calaruega, Castile-Leon, Spain |
1221 |
Bologna, Italy |
Adolph |
1222 |
Vincent Kadlubek (Vincent of Cracow) |
1161 |
Karwów, Poland |
1223 |
Jędrzejów, Poland |
Bishop of Cracow
Adolf |
1185 |
Westphalia, Germany |
1224 |
Osnabrück, Germany |
Bishop of Osnabruck
Gualterius |
1184 |
1224 |
Angelo of Jerusalem |
1185 |
Jerusalem, Israel |
1225 |
Licata, Sicily |
Engelbert |
1185 |
Burg an der Wupper, Germany |
1225 |
Gevelsberg, Germany |
Archbishop of Cologne
Raynald |
1150 |
Postignano, Nocera, Italy |
1225 |
Nocera, Italy |
Bishop of Nocera
Blessed Margaret of Louvain |
1207 |
1225 |
Francis of Assisi, founder of Franciscan Orders and Poor Clares |
1181 |
Assisi, Umbria, Italy |
1226 |
Portiuncula, Italy |
Ita |
1226 |
Blessed Beatrice of Este |
1206 |
1226 |
aunt of St Beatrix d'Este
Blessed Louis of Thuringia |
1200 |
1227 |
Blessed Yvette of Huy (Juta) |
1158 |
1228 |
Fulk of Pavia (Fulco) |
1164 |
Piacenza, Italy |
1229 |
Bishop of Pavia
Sancha of Portugal |
1182 |
1229 |
Celas, Portugal |
Hugh of Genoa |
1168 |
1230 |
Blessed Bertrand of Garrigues |
1230 |
Anthony of Padua |
1195 |
Lisbon, Portugal |
1231 |
Padua, Italy |
Brocard (Burchard) |
France |
1231 |
Elizabeth of Hungary |
1207 |
Pressburg, Kingdom of Hungary |
1231 |
Hesse, Germany |
John of Perugia and Peter of Sassoferrato |
1231 |
Valencia, Spain |
Blessed Benvenuto of Gubbio |
1232 |
Blessed Pellegrino |
1232 |
William Pinchon |
1175 |
Saint-Alban, France |
1234 |
Bishop of Saint-Brieuc
Conon |
1139 |
Naso, Sicily, Italy |
1236 |
Naso, Sicily, Italy |
Blessed Agnello of Pisa |
1194 |
1236 |
Blessed Philippa Mareri |
1200 |
1236 |
Blessed Diana degli Andalò |
1201 |
1236 |
Blessed Rizzerio (Rinieri) |
1236 |
Sava |
1174 |
1237 |
Tarnovgrad, Bulgaria |
Bishop of the Serbs
Villanus |
Gubbio, Italy |
1237 |
Bishop of Gubbio
Blessed Jordan of Saxony |
1237 |
Blessed Rainerius Inclusus |
1237 |
Blessed William of Brussels |
1237 |
Albert of Genoa (Lambert) |
Genoa, Italy |
1239 |
Paul, religious and martyr, and Ninety Companions |
Hungary |
1240 |
Wallachia, Hungary |
Raymond Nonnatus |
1204 |
La Portella, Kingdom of Aragon |
1240 |
Cardona, Kingdom of Aragon |
Blessed Ambrose de Massa |
1240 |
Blessed Peregrine of Falerone |
1240 |
Blessed Serapion |
1240 |
Blessed Herman Joseph |
1150 |
1241 |
Edmund Rich |
1180 |
Abingdon, England |
1242 |
Soisy-Bouy, France |
Archbishop of Canterbury
Peter Rodriguez and 6 Companions |
Spain |
1242 |
Verdiana |
1182 |
Castelfiorentino, Italy |
1242 |
Castelfiorentino, Italy |
Blessed Ceslaus of Poland |
1180 |
1242 |
Blessed Helen of Arcella |
1208 |
1242 |
Blessed John of Salerno |
1190 |
1242 |
Blessed William Arnaud and companions |
1242 |
Bernard Calvo |
1180 |
Monso Calvo, Spain |
1243 |
Vic, Spain |
Bishop of Vich
Hedwig |
1174 |
Andechs, Bavaria |
1243 |
Trzebnica, Poland |
Blessed Lawrence Loricatus |
1243 |
Blessed Guala of Bergamo |
1180 |
1244 |
Blessed Isnard of Chiampo (Isnardo) |
1200 |
1244 |
Blessed Gerard of Villamagna |
1200 |
1245 |
Blessed Guy (Guido) Vignotelli (Guido of Cortona) |
1185 |
1245 |
Lutgarde |
1182 |
Tongeren, Belgium |
1246 |
Awirs, Belgium |
Peter Gonzalez (Thelmo) |
1190 |
Astorga, Spain |
1246 |
Tui, Spain |
Theobald of Marly |
Marly-la-Ville, France |
1247 |
Vaux-de-Cernay, France |
Thibaut |
1247 |
Blessed John Buoni |
1168 |
1249 |
Contardo "the Pilgrim" |
1249 |
Aleydis of Schaerbeek (Alice, Adelaide) |
1204 |
Schaerbeek, Belgium |
1250 |
Amata (Amy) |
Assisi, Italy |
1250 |
Dominic del Val |
Saragossa, Aragon, Spain |
1250 |
Saragossa, Aragon, Spain |
Ludolph (Ludolf) |
1250 |
Bishop of Ratzeburg
Teresa of Portugal |
1181 |
Coimbra, Portugal |
1250 |
Lorvão, Portugal |
Walter |
1250 |
Blessed Alrad |
1250 |
Blessed Peter of Gubbio |
1250 |
Blesseds Evangelist and Peregrine |
1250 |
Gerold of Cologne |
1201 |
Cologne, Germany |
1251 |
Cremona, Italy |
Rose of Viterbo |
1234 |
Viterbo, Italy |
1251 |
Viterbo, Italy |
Ferdinand III of Castile |
1198 |
Zamora, Spain |
1252 |
Sevilla, Spain |
Mafalda (Matilda) |
1204 |
1252 |
Amarante, Portugal |
Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr) |
1205 |
Verona, Italy |
1252 |
near Milan, Italy |
Zdislava Berka |
1220 |
Křižanov, Czech Republic |
1252 |
Lemberk Castle, Czech Republic |
Agnes of Assisi |
1198 |
Assisi, Italy |
1253 |
Assisi, Italy |
Clare of Assisi |
1194 |
Assisi, Italy |
1253 |
Assisi, Italy |
Fina (Serafina, Seraphina) |
1238 |
San Gimignano, Italy |
1253 |
San Gimignano, Italy |
Richard Wyche |
1197 |
Droitwich, England |
1253 |
Dover, England |
Bishop of Chichester
Rodobald |
1254 |
Bishop of Pavia
Blessed Andrew of Spello |
1254 |
Blessed Arnaldo Canati |
1255 |
Blessed Godfrey II (Geoffroy de Loudun) |
1255 |
bishop of Le Mans
Peter Nolasco |
1189 |
Mas-des-Saintes-Puelles, France |
1256 |
Valencia, Spain |
Blessed Berengarius de Peralta |
1256 |
Hyacinth of Poland |
1187 |
Kamień Śląski, Poland |
1257 |
Kraków, Poland |
Blessed Thomas of Biville |
1187 |
1257 |
Juliana of Mount Cornillon |
1192-93 |
Retinne, Belgium |
1258 |
Fosses-la-Ville, Belgium |
Blessed Gualterius of Guimaraes |
1258 |
Blessed Liberatus of Lauro |
1258 |
Blessed Bronislava |
1259 |
Blessed Gonçalo de Amarante |
1187 |
1259 |
Boniface |
1183 |
Brussels, Belgium |
1260 |
La Cambre Abbey, Brussels, Belgium |
Bishop of Lausanne
Jutta (Judith) |
1200 |
Sangerhausen, Germany |
1260 |
Chełmża, Poland |
Blessed Luchesio |
1260 |
Blessed Sadoc O.P., and companions |
1260 |
Blessed Philip Berruyer |
1261 |
Blessed Romeo de Levia |
1261 |
Blessed Beatrix d'Este |
Apulia |
1262 |
niece of Blessed Beatrice d'Este
Blessed Giles of Assisi |
1262 |
Blessed Eva of Liege |
1263 |
Blessed Amatus Ronconi |
1200 |
1264 |
Blessed John of Thorn (John Lobedau) |
1264 |
Simon Stock |
1165 |
Aylesford, England |
1265 |
Bordeaux, France |
Blessed Eva of Saint Martin |
1265 |
Blessed Nicholas Puglia |
1197 |
1265 |
Parisio |
1160 |
1267 |
Treviso, Italy |
Silvester Gizzolino |
1177 |
Osimo, Italy |
1267 |
Blessed Antony Manzi the Pilgrim |
1267 |
Blessed Salomea |
1201 |
1268 |
Almus (Alme, Alanus) |
Scotland |
1270 |
Scotland |
Louis IX |
1226 |
Poissy, France |
1270 |
Tunis, Tunisia |
Margaret of Hungary |
1242 |
Klis, Croatia |
1270 |
Margaret Island, Hungary |
Blessed Amata |
1270 |
Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza |
1270 |
Blessed Boniface of Savoy |
1270 |
Archbishop of Canterbury
Blessed Imana de Loss |
1270 |
Blessed Isabelle of Valois |
1225 |
1270 |
Blessed Nicholas Fortiguera |
1270 |
Bishop of Ajaccio
Fazzio |
1190 |
Verona, Italy |
1272 |
Blessed Christopher de Romaniola |
1172 |
1272 |
Bonaventure |
1221 |
Bagnoregio, Italy |
1274 |
Lyon, France |
Bishop of Albano
Thomas Aquinas |
1225 |
Roccasecca, Italy |
1274 |
Fossanuova Abbey, Italy |
Raymond of Peñafort |
1175 |
Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain |
1275 |
Barcelona, Spain |
Blessed John of Barastre |
1275 |
Sperandea |
1216 |
Gubbio, Italy |
1276 |
Blessed Gregory X |
1210 |
1276 |
Blessed Innocent V |
1225 |
1276 |
Blessed Humbert of Romans |
1200 |
Romans-sur-Isère, France |
1277 |
Valence, Drôme, France |
Blessed Peter de la Cadireta |
1277 |
Zita |
1218 |
Monsagrati near Lucca, Italy |
1278 |
Lucca, Italy |
Blessed Albert of Bergamo |
1279 |
Albert the Great |
1193 |
Lauingen, Germany |
1280 |
Cologne, Germany |
Bishop of Ratisbon
Blessed Novellone |
1280 |
Mary of Succor |
1231 |
1281 |
Agnes of Bohemia |
1205 |
Prague, Czech Republic |
1282 |
Prague, Czech Republic |
Benvenuto Scotivoli (Benvenutus) |
Ancona, Italy |
1282 |
Bishop of Osimo
Hugh dei Lippi Uggucioni |
1282 |
Ingrid of Sweden |
1282 |
Thomas of Hereford |
1218 |
1282 |
Blessed Torello |
1282 |
Blessed John of Vercelli |
1283 |
Blessed Margaret Colonna |
1284 |
Philip Benizi |
1233 |
1285 |
Thorfinn |
1285 |
Blessed Luke Belludi |
1200 |
1285 |
Monaldus of Ancona (Monaldo) |
1286 |
Blessed Ambrose of Siena |
1220 |
1286 |
Blessed Peter Tecelano |
1287 |
Blessed Benvenuto of Recanati |
1289 |
Blessed Conrad of Ascoli |
1289 |
Blessed John of Parma |
1209 |
1289 |
Blessed Peter of Siena |
1289 |
Mary of Cerevellon |
1290 |
Cecilia |
1290 |
Blessed Franco of Grotti |
1211 |
1291 |
Kinga |
1234 |
1292 |
Kundegunda (Kinga) |
1224 |
1292 |
Blessed Benvenuta of Cividale |
1254 |
1292 |
Blessed Franco Lippi |
1292 |
Berencardus |
1293 |
Albertinus |
1294 |
Limbania |
1294 |
Thomas of Dover (Thomas Hales) |
1295 |
Celestine V |
1215 |
1296 |
Louis of Toulouse (Louis of Anjou) |
1274 |
1297 |
Bishop of Toulouse
Margaret of Cortona |
1247 |
1297 |
Mechtildis of Helfta |
1241 |
1298 |
Blessed Gerard of Lunel (Gerius) |
1275 |
1298 |
Blessed Jacobus of Voragine, O.P. |
1228 |
1298 |
Blessed Yolande |
1235 |
1299 |
Bartholomew Buonpedoni |
1300 |
Peter Pascual |
1227 |
1300 |
Bishop of Jaen
Radegund |
1300 |
Blessed Bartolo |
1228 |
1300 |
Blessed Bonizella |
1300 |
Blessed Ida of Louvain |
1300 |
See also