Charles Hampden-Turner (29 September 1934 in London, England) is a British management philosopher, and Senior Research Associate at the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge since 1990. He is the creator of Dilemma Theory and co-founder and Director of Research and Development at the Trompenaars-Hampden-Turner Group, in Amsterdam.
Hampden-Turner was born in London in 1934 and grew up in Cambridge, in a house on the site where Robinson College now stands. He was educated at Wellington College, a military public school attended by his father, and did his national service with the same regiment his father had served in, the Suffolk Regiment.
1974, From Poverty to Dignity: a strategy for poor Americans. Garden City: New York.
1976, Sane Asylum: Inside the Delancey Street Foundation. San Francisco Book Company: San Francisco.
1981, Maps of the Mind: Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths. Macmillan Publishing Company: New York.
1983, Gentlemen and tradesmen: the values of economic catastrophe. London: Routledge/Kegan Paul.
1990, Charting the corporate mind: from dilemma to strategy. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
1990, L'enterprise face a ses valeurs: cartographier les tensions et developer la synergie. Paris: Les Editions d'Organisation.
1993, with Fons Trompenaars, The seven cultures of capitalism: value, systems for creating wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands. London: Piatkus.
1994, Corporate culture: how to generate organisational strength and lasting commercial advantage. London: Piatkus.
1997, with Fons Trompenaars, Mastering the infinite game: how East Asian values are transforming business practices. Oxford: Capstone.
1997, with Fons Trompenaars, Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural diversity in business. London: Nicholas Brealey.
2000, with Fons Trompenaars, Building cross-cultural competence: how to create wealth from conflicting values. Chichester: Wiley.
2001, with Fons Trompenaars, 21 leaders for the 21st century: how innovative leaders manage in the digital age. Oxford: Capstone.
2004, with Fons Trompenaars, Managing people across cultures. Chichester: Capstone.
2005, with B. Groen, The Titans of Saturn: leadership and performance lessons from the Cassini-Huygens mission. Singapore and London: Marshall Cavendish Business and Cyan Communications Ltd.
2015, with (Fons Trompenaars/ Tom Cummings), Nine Visions of Capitalism, Oxford: Infinite Ideas Ltd.
Book Chapters
1992, "Foreword." In Common, R., Flynn, N. and Mellon, E. (eds.): Managing public services: competition and decentralization. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.vii-x.
1993, "Dilemmas of strategic learning loops." In Hendry, J. and Johnson, G., with Newton, J. (eds.): Strategic thinking: leadership and the management of change. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 327–346.
1994, "Foreword." In Huffington, C. and Brunning, H. (eds.): Internal consultancy in the public sector: case studies. London: Karnac Books, pp.xiii-xv.
1994, "Foreword." In McCaughan, N. and Palmer, B.: Systems thinking for harassed managers. London: Karnac Books, pp.xiii-xvii.
1996, "Strategic dilemmas occasioned by using alternative scenarios of the future." In Garratt, B. (ed.): Developing strategic thought: rediscovering the art of direction-giving. London: McGraw-Hill, pp. 99–138.
1996, "Mintzberg, Henry (1939-).", "Morgan, Gareth (1943-).", "Reich, Robert M. (1946-)." & "Schon, Donald (1930-)." In: Warner, M. (ed.): International encyclopedia of business and management. London: Routledge, 1st edition, pp. 3492–3495.
1996, "A world turned upside-down: doing business in Asia." In Joynt, P. and Warner, M. (eds.): Managing across cultures: issues and perspectives. London: International Thomson Business Press, 1st edition, pp. 275–305.
1996, "Designing the infinite game: the forty-fifth International Design Conference in Aspen." In Kao, J. (ed.): The new business of design. New York: Allworth, pp. 207–221.
1997, "Mintzberg, Henry (1939-)." In Sorge, A. and Warner, M. (eds.): The IEBM handbook of organizational behaviour. London: International Thomson Business Press, pp. 661–664.
1997, "Masters of the infinite game." In Mulgan, G. (ed.): Life after politics. London: Harper Collins, pp. 361–368.
1998, "Reich, Robert M. (1946-)."' "Mintzberg, Henry (1939-).", "Schon, Donald (1930-).", "Morgan, Gareth (1943-).", "Reich, Robert M. (1946-)." & "McGregor, Douglas (1906-64)." in: Warner, M. (ed.): The IEBM handbook of management thinking. London: International Thomson Business Press, pp. 466–469.
2000, "Perspectives on management in the Americas." In Warner, M. (ed.): Regional encyclopedia of business and management: vol.1: Management in the Americas. London: Thomson Learning, pp. 94–108.
2002, "A mirror-image world: doing business in Asia." In Warner, M. and Joynt, P. (eds.): Managing across cultures: issues and perspectives. London: Thomson Learning, 2nd edition, pp. 143–167.
2003, "Culture and management in Singapore." In Warner, M. (ed.): Culture and management in Asia. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 171–186.