Chak 118 GB, Jallandhar Sufaid Poshan
Chak 118 GB, Jallandhar Sufaid Poshan is a medium-sized village in Tehsil Jaranwala, District Faisalabad in Pakistan's Punjab province. Chak 118 GB is part of Union Council Number 60, along with other chaks (villages) 56 GB, Chak 114 GB and 170 GB, Chak 115 GB and 116 GB. LocationIt is located approximately 28 km south-east of Faisalabad City and 5 km east of Road Faisalabad - Okara. Satyana Bungalow is the nearest town (10 km). DemographyArain ( GUJJAR ) Awan and Rajputs are the major castes of this village. EducationThe village has schools for boys and girls providing education up to 10th standard. Nearest higher secondary school (up to 12th grade) is located at Chak 72 GB. For college education of boys and girls, students have to seek admission in colleges at Faisalabad or Jaranwala. Existing schools at the village are:
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