Sri Lanka British Ceylon Ceylon Defence Force The Times of Ceylon Dominion of Ceylon Governors of British Ceylon University of Ceylon Ceylon Journal of Science Church of Ceylon The Ceylon Observer Ceylon in World War II Financial Secretary of Ceylon Cargills (Ceylon) Governor-General of Ceylon Sunday Times of Ceylon Ceylon Morning Leader Ceylon tea Commander of the Ceylon Defence Force The Ceylon Herald The Ceylon Chronicle Dutch Ceylon Lankadeepa (Ceylon) Ceylon University College Parliament of Ceylon Ceylon Mounted Rifles List of governors of Dutch Ceylon Ceylon, Minnesota Ceylon, Saskatchewan…

n Portuguese Ceylon HMS Ceylon (30) Chief Secretary of Ceylon Ceylon Journal of Medical Science Ceylon Daily Mirror Executive Council of Ceylon Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Senate of Ceylon Ceylon tree nymph Ceylon, Indiana Ceylon Workers' Congress Storm Over Ceylon Ceylon (programming language) The Song of Ceylon Ceylon Planters' Rifle Corps Ceylon tiger Invasion of Ceylon Ceylon College of Physicians Native headmen of Ceylon Ceylon, Ohio Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist) Bank of Ceylon Second Board of Ministers of Ceylon Ceylon (1803 ship) Institute of Chemistry Ceylon Queen of Ceylon Ceylon Citizenship Act House of Representatives (Ceylon) An

Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon Ceylon Mercantile Union Colony of Ceylon Ceylon–China Trade Agreement of 1952 Ceylon Petroleum Corporation Ceylon Police Medal All Ceylon Malay Political Union Monarchy of Ceylon Wesleyan Methodist Mission, North Ceylon Marylebone Cricket Club tours of Ceylon and Sri Lanka Ceylon Tobacco Company Church of India, Burma and Ceylon Ceylon Police Long Service Medal List of captain-generals of Portuguese Ceylon American Ceylon Mission Ceylon Federation of Labour Radio Ceylon Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited Sir Julien Cahn's cricket team in Ceylon in 1936–37 List of University of Ceylon people Air Ceylon Commercial Bank of Ceylon General O