The first European to sight this cape was James Cook. He named it on August 21, 1778, and wrote: "The southern extreme seemed to form a point which was named Cape Lisburne."
An early Inupiaq name for the cape was "Uivvaq", generally spelled "Wevok" or "Wevuk". Cape Lisburne was often referred to as "Uivvaq Uŋasiktuq" meaning "distant cape" as opposed to "Uivvaq Qanittuq" (Cape Thompson) meaning "near cape".
The native Inupiaq who lived there were struck by a deadly epidemic and many died along with an Episcopal missionary named John Driggs.[1]
^The 180th meridian bisects Russia's Wrangel Island, making its north shore at that longitude both the northwesternmost point and northeasternmost point of land in the world on that metric.
^Lowenstein, T. (2010). Ultimate Americans: Point Hope, Alaska, 1826-1909. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press.