Blending live action and animation, the film is set in a postapocalyptic world in which travel and technology are virtually banned, and people who reach the age of 50 have to submit to death to control the size of the population, while young people are tasked with artistically documenting their final moments.[2]
The film stars Sandra Oh, Joel Oulette and Keira Jang, with its supporting cast including Cassandra Sawtell, Jovanna Burke, Andre Anthony, Reece Presley, Benjamin Immanuel, Yuki Morita, Tedra Rogers, Naika Toussaint, Oscar Chark, Ally Battaggia, Devon Ellis-Durity and Kymo Van Oers.
Production on the film was first announced in 2022.[4] According to Fleming, the film was inspired by themes of eco-anxiety and ecological grief.[5] Fleming originally intended for the film to be a satire inspired by the work of Jonathan Swift, but by release it had become what she called "a gentle comedy".[3]