
Calophyllum inophyllum
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Calophyllaceae
Genus: Calophyllum

see text

  • Schmidelia Boehm. (Homotypic)
  • Apoterium Blume
  • Balsamaria Lour.
  • Calaba Mill.
  • Ponna Boehm.

Calophyllum is a genus of tropical flowering plants in the family Calophyllaceae. They are mainly distributed in Asia, with some species in Africa, the Americas, Australasia, and the Pacific Islands.[7]


Members of the genus Calophyllum native to Malaysia and Wallacea are of particular importance to traditional shipbuilding of the larger Austronesian outrigger ships and were carried with them in the Austronesian expansion as they migrated to Oceania and Madagascar. They were comparable in importance to how oaks were in European shipbuilding and timber industries. The most notable species is the mastwood (Calophyllum inophyllum) which grows readily in the sandy and rocky beaches of the island environments that the Austronesians colonized.[8][9]


Calophyllum are trees or shrubs. They produce a colorless, white, or yellow latex. The oppositely arranged leaves have leathery blades often borne on petioles.[7] The leaves are distinctive, with narrow parallel veins alternating with resin canals.[10] The inflorescence is a cyme or a thyrse of flowers that grows from the leaf axils or at the ends of branches. In the flower the sepals and petals may look similar and are arranged in whorls. There are many stamens. The fruit is a drupe with thin layers of flesh over a large seed.[7]


Many species are used for their wood. Some are hardwood trees that can reach 30 meters in height. They tend to grow rapidly. The outer sapwood is yellowish, yellow-brown, or orange, sometimes with a pink tinge, and the inner heartwood is light reddish to red-brown. The wood has a streaked, ribboned, or zig-zag grain. The wood has been used to build boats, flooring, and furniture, and made into plywood.[11][12] Calophyllum wood may be sold under the name bitangor, and the species may be used interchangeably; one shipment may contain boards from several different species.[13]

Plants of the genus are also known for their chemistry, with a variety of secondary metabolites isolated, such as coumarins, xanthones, flavonoids, and triterpenes. Compounds from the genus have been reported to have cytotoxic, anti-HIV, antisecretory, cytoprotective, antinociceptive, molluscicidal, and antimicrobial properties. Some plants are used in folk medicine to treat conditions such as peptic ulcers, tumors, infections, pain, and inflammation.[14]

C. inophyllum is the source of tamanu oil, a greenish, nutty-scented oil of commercial value. It has been used as massage oil, topical medicine, lamp oil, and waterproofing, and is still used in cosmetics. Tacamahac is the resin of the tree. This species is also cultivated for its wood and planted in coastal landscaping as a windbreak and for erosion control.[13]


A stylized Calophyllum is featured on the national coat of arms of Nauru.


As of January 2024, Plants of the World Online includes:[1][7]

  1. Calophyllum acidus Kosterm.
  2. Calophyllum acutiputamen P.F.Stevens
  3. Calophyllum aerarium P.F.Stevens
  4. Calophyllum africanum Cheek & Q.Luke
  5. Calophyllum alboramulum P.F.Stevens
  6. Calophyllum amblyphyllum A.C.Sm. & S.P.Darwin
  7. Calophyllum andersonii P.F.Stevens
  8. Calophyllum angulare A.C.Sm.
  9. Calophyllum apetalum Willd.
  10. Calophyllum archipelagi P.F.Stevens
  11. Calophyllum ardens P.F.Stevens
  12. Calophyllum articulatum P.F.Stevens
  13. Calophyllum aurantiacum P.F.Stevens
  14. Calophyllum aureobrunnescens M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  15. Calophyllum aureum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  16. Calophyllum australianum F.Muell. ex Vesque
  17. Calophyllum austroindicum Kosterm. ex P.F.Stevens
  18. Calophyllum balansae Pit.
  19. Calophyllum banyengii P.F.Stevens
  20. Calophyllum bicolor P.F.Stevens
  21. Calophyllum biflorum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  22. Calophyllum bifurcatum P.F.Stevens
  23. Calophyllum blancoi Planch. & Triana
  24. Calophyllum brachyphyllum Merr.
  25. Calophyllum bracteatum Thwaites
  26. Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. – Santa Maria
  27. Calophyllum brassii A.C.Sm.
  28. Calophyllum calaba L.
  29. Calophyllum calcicola P.F.Stevens
  30. Calophyllum caledonicum Vieill. ex Planch. & Triana
  31. Calophyllum canum Hook.f. ex T.Anderson
  32. Calophyllum carrii P.F.Stevens
  33. Calophyllum castaneum P.F.Stevens
  34. Calophyllum caudatum Kaneh. & Hatus.
  35. Calophyllum celebicum P.F.Stevens
  36. Calophyllum cerasiferum Vesque
  37. Calophyllum ceriferum Gagnep. ex P.F.Stevens
  38. Calophyllum chapelieri Drake
  39. Calophyllum clemensiorum P.F.Stevens
  40. Calophyllum collinum P.F.Stevens
  41. Calophyllum comorense H.Perrier
  42. Calophyllum complanatum P.F.Stevens
  43. Calophyllum confertum P.F.Stevens
  44. Calophyllum confusum P.F.Stevens
  45. Calophyllum cordato-oblongum Thwaites
  46. Calophyllum coriaceum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  47. Calophyllum costatum F.M.Bailey
  48. Calophyllum costulatum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  49. Calophyllum cucullatum Merr.
  50. Calophyllum cuneifolium Thwaites
  51. Calophyllum dasypodium Miq.
  52. Calophyllum depressinervosum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  53. Calophyllum dioscurii P.F.Stevens
  54. Calophyllum dispar P.F.Stevens
  55. Calophyllum dongnaiense Pierre
  56. Calophyllum drouhardii H.Perrier
  57. Calophyllum dryobalanoides Pierre
  58. Calophyllum echinatum P.F.Stevens
  59. Calophyllum elegans Ridl.
  60. Calophyllum enervosum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  61. Calophyllum eputamen P.F.Stevens
  62. Calophyllum euryphyllum Lauterb.
  63. Calophyllum exiticostatum P.F.Stevens
  64. Calophyllum ferrugineum Ridl.
  65. Calophyllum fibrosum P.F.Stevens
  66. Calophyllum flavoramulum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  67. Calophyllum fraseri M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  68. Calophyllum garcinioides P.F.Stevens
  69. Calophyllum glaucescens Ridl.
  70. Calophyllum goniocarpum P.F.Stevens
  71. Calophyllum gracilipes Merr.
  72. Calophyllum gracillimum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  73. Calophyllum grandiflorum J.J.Sm.
  74. Calophyllum griseum P.F.Stevens
  75. Calophyllum havilandii P.F.Stevens
  76. Calophyllum heterophyllum P.F.Stevens
  77. Calophyllum hirasimum P.F.Stevens
  78. Calophyllum honbaense V.S.Dang, H.Toyama & Tagane
  79. Calophyllum hosei Ridl.
  80. Calophyllum humbertii P.F.Stevens
  81. Calophyllum incumbens P.F.Stevens
  82. Calophyllum inophyllum L. – mastwood, Alexandrian laurel, tamanu, beauty leaf
  83. Calophyllum insularum P.F.Stevens
  84. Calophyllum lanigerum Miq.
  85. Calophyllum lankaensis Kosterm.
  86. Calophyllum laticostatum P.F.Stevens
  87. Calophyllum laxiflorum Drake
  88. Calophyllum leleanii P.F.Stevens
  89. Calophyllum leptocladum A.C.Sm. & S.P.Darwin
  90. Calophyllum leucocarpum A.C.Sm.
  91. Calophyllum lineare Kosterm.
  92. Calophyllum lingulatum P.F.Stevens
  93. Calophyllum lonchophyllum O.Schwarz
  94. Calophyllum longifolium Willd.
  95. Calophyllum lowei Planch. & Triana
  96. Calophyllum macrocarpum Hook.f.
  97. Calophyllum macrophyllum Scheff.
  98. Calophyllum membranaceum Gardner & Champ.
  99. Calophyllum mesoamericanum Vela Díaz[10]
  100. Calophyllum milvum P.F.Stevens
  101. Calophyllum molle King
  102. Calophyllum moonii Wight
  103. Calophyllum morobensis P.F.Stevens
  104. Calophyllum mukunense P.F.Stevens
  105. Calophyllum multitudinis P.F.Stevens
  106. Calophyllum neoebudicum Guillaumin
  107. Calophyllum nodosum Vesque
  108. Calophyllum novoguineense Kaneh. & Hatus.
  109. Calophyllum nubicola D'Arcy & R.C.Keating
  110. Calophyllum obliquinervium Merr.
  111. Calophyllum obscurum P.F.Stevens
  112. Calophyllum oliganthum Merr.
  113. Calophyllum pachyphyllum Planch. & Triana
  114. Calophyllum paniculatum P.F.Stevens
  115. Calophyllum papuanum Lauterb.
  116. Calophyllum parkeri C.E.C.Fisch.
  117. Calophyllum parviflorum Bojer ex Baker
  118. Calophyllum parvifolium Choisy
  119. Calophyllum pascalianum B.R.Ramesh, Ayyappan & De Franceschi
  120. Calophyllum pauciflorum A.C.Sm.
  121. Calophyllum peekelii Lauterb.
  122. Calophyllum pelewense P.F.Stevens
  123. Calophyllum pentapetalum (Blanco) Merr.
  124. Calophyllum persimile P.F.Stevens
  125. Calophyllum pervillei Drake
  126. Calophyllum piluliferum P.F.Stevens
  127. Calophyllum pinetorum Bisse
  128. Calophyllum pisiferum Planch. & Triana
  129. Calophyllum poilanei Gagnep. ex P.F.Stevens
  130. Calophyllum polyanthum Wall. ex Choisy – poonspar, sirpoontree
  131. Calophyllum praetermissum P.F.Stevens
  132. Calophyllum pubescens Vela Díaz[10]
  133. Calophyllum pulcherrimum Wall. ex Choisy
  134. Calophyllum pyriforme P.F.Stevens
  135. Calophyllum recedens Jum. & H.Perrier
  136. Calophyllum recurvatum P.F.Stevens
  137. Calophyllum rigidulum P.F.Stevens
  138. Calophyllum rigidum Miq.
  139. Calophyllum rivulare Bisse
  140. Calophyllum robustum P.F.Stevens
  141. Calophyllum roseocostatum P.F.Stevens
  142. Calophyllum rotundifolium Ridl.
  143. Calophyllum rubiginosum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  144. Calophyllum rufigemmatum Hend. & Wyatt-Sm. ex P.F.Stevens
  145. Calophyllum rufinerve Kaneh. & Hatus.
  146. Calophyllum rugosum P.F.Stevens
  147. Calophyllum rupicola Ridl.
  148. Calophyllum sakarium P.F.Stevens
  149. Calophyllum savannarum A.C.Sm.
  150. Calophyllum sclerophyllum Vesque
  151. Calophyllum scriblitifolium M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  152. Calophyllum sil Lauterb.
  153. Calophyllum soulattri Burm.f. – bitangoor boonot, Nicobar canoetree
  154. Calophyllum stipitatum P.F.Stevens
  155. Calophyllum streimannii P.F.Stevens
  156. Calophyllum suberosum P.F.Stevens
  157. Calophyllum subhorizontale M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  158. Calophyllum subsessile King
  159. Calophyllum sundaicum P.F.Stevens
  160. Calophyllum symingtonianum M.R.Hend. & Wyatt-Sm.
  161. Calophyllum tacamahaca Willd.
  162. Calophyllum tetrapterum Miq.
  163. Calophyllum teysmannii Miq.
  164. Calophyllum thorelii Pierre
  165. Calophyllum thuriferum Poepp.
  166. Calophyllum thwaitesii Planch. & Triana
  167. Calophyllum tomentosum Wight – pink touriga
  168. Calophyllum touranense Gagnep. ex P.F.Stevens
  169. Calophyllum tournanense Gagnep. ex P.F.Stevens
  170. Calophyllum trachycaule Lauterb.
  171. Calophyllum trapezifolium Thwaites
  172. Calophyllum undulatum P.F.Stevens
  173. Calophyllum utile Bisse
  174. Calophyllum vanoverberghii Merr.
  175. Calophyllum venulosum Zoll.
  176. Calophyllum vergens P.F.Stevens
  177. Calophyllum vernicosum P.F.Stevens
  178. Calophyllum verticillatum P.F.Stevens
  179. Calophyllum vexans P.F.Stevens
  180. Calophyllum vitiense Turrill
  181. Calophyllum waliense P.F.Stevens
  182. Calophyllum walkeri Wight
  183. Calophyllum wallichianum Planch. & Triana
  184. Calophyllum whitfordii Merr.
  185. Calophyllum woodii P.F.Stevens

See also


  1. ^ a b "Calophyllum L." Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2022. Retrieved 27 January 2024.
  2. ^ Blume 1825, p. 218.
  3. ^ Loureiro 1790, p. 468.
  4. ^ Miller 1754, p. [1].
  5. ^ Ludwig & Böhmer 1760, p. 268.
  6. ^ Ludwig & Böhmer 1760, p. 371.
  7. ^ a b c d Li, Xi-wen; Li, Jie; Stevens, Peter (n.d.). "Calophyllum (Linnaeus) Sp. Pl. 1: 513. 1753., 1841. 红厚壳属 hong hou ke shu". Flora of China. p. 1, 38.
  8. ^ Damon, Frederick H. (2016). "A Story of Calophyllum: From Ecological to Social Facts". Trees, Knots, and Outriggers: Environmental Knowledge in the Northeast Kula Ring. Berghahn Books. pp. 180–246. ISBN 9781785332333.
  9. ^ Orwa, C.; Mutua, A.; Kindt, R.; Anthony, S. (2009). "Calophyllum inophyllum" (PDF). Agroforestree Database:a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0. World Agroforestry.
  10. ^ a b c Díaz, D. M. V. (March 2013). "Multivariate analysis of morphological and anatomical characters of Calophyllum (Calophyllaceae) in South America: Multivariate Analysis of Calophyllum". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 171 (3): 587–626. doi:10.1111/boj.12012.
  11. ^ Calophyllum. Archived 2014-09-11 at the Wayback Machine Wood Properties and Uses of Australian Timbers. Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 2010.
  12. ^ Richter, H. G. and M. J. Dallwitz. 2000 onwards. Calophyllum. Commercial Timbers. DELTA. Version: 25 June 2009.
  13. ^ a b Friday, J. B. and R. Ogoshi. Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Profile for Tamanu (Calophyllum inophyllum). In: Elevitch, C. R. (ed.) Specialty Crops for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources. Holualoa, Hawaii. 2011.
  14. ^ Cechinel Filho, V.; Meyre-Silva, C.; Niero, R. (2009). "Chemical and Pharmacological Aspects of the Genus Calophyllum". Chemistry & Biodiversity. 6 (3): 313–327. doi:10.1002/cbdv.200800082. PMID 19319867. S2CID 45018591.


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