Cabinet of Architecture (Czech: Kabinet architektury) is a gallery and exhibition space in Ostrava, Czech Republic, founded in 2009.
In 2009, the Society for Culture in Ostrava 2002–2013 (SPOK) and the Gallery of Fine Art in Ostrava (GVUO), which provided necessary exhibition space and logistical support for architectural exhibitions, founded the Cabinet of Architecture in the attic space of the Ostrava House of Art. Most exhibitions at the Cabinet of Architecture is accompanied by the publication of an illustrated catalogue.[1]
Goryczka, Tadeáš; Němec, Jaroslav (eds.): Daniel Libeskind. Architektura je řeč. Architektura jako język. Architecture Is a Language (catalogue), Ostrava 2010, ISBN978-80-904096-8-2 (SPOK.Ostrava), ISBN978-80-87405-02-4 (GVUO.Ostrava)
Goryczka, Tadeáš; Němec, Jaroslav (eds.): Josip Plečnik : skici : Plečnikova Lublaň na architektonických skicách ze soukromé sbírky Damjana Prelovšeka = sketches : Plečnik's Ljubljana in architectural sketches from the private collection of Damjan Prelovšek = szkice : Lublana Plečnika w szkicach architektonicznych z kolekcji prywatnej Damjana Prelovšeka (catalogue), Ostrava 2013, ISBN978-80-87508-10-7 (SPOK.Ostrava), ISBN978-80-87405-21-5 (GVUO.Ostrava)