Chapter |
Title |
01 |
"Faith and Plato: 'You're Nothing! Disgusting, Murderous Bitch'" |
Greg Forster
02 |
"Also Sprach Faith: The Problem of the Happy Rogue Vampire Slayer" |
Karl Schudt
03 |
"'The I in Team': Buffy and Feminist Ethics" |
Jessica Prater Miller
04 |
"BtVS as Feminist Noir" |
Thomas Hibbs
05 |
"Feminism and the Ethics of Violence: Why Buffy Kicks Ass" |
Mimi Marinucci
06 |
"Balderdash and Chicanery: Science and Beyond" |
Andrew Aberdein
07 |
"Pluralism, Pragmatism, and Pals: The Slayer Subverts the Science Wars" |
Madeline M. Muntersbjorn
08 |
"Between Heaven and Hells: Multidimensional Cosmology in Kant and Buffy the Vampire Slayer" |
James Lawler
09 |
"Buffy Goes to College, Adam "Murder(s) to Dissect": Education and Knowledge in a Postmodern World" |
Toby Daspit
10 |
""My God, it's like a Greek tragedy": Willow Rosenberg and Human Irrationality" |
James B. South
11 |
"Should We Do What Buffy Would Do?" |
Jason Kawal
12 |
"Passion and Action – In and Out of Control" |
Carolyn Korsmeyer
13 |
"Buffy in the Buff: A Slayer's Solution to Aristotle's Love Paradox" |
Sharon Kaye and Melissa Milavec
14 |
"A Kantian Analysis of Moral Judgment in Buffy the Vampire Slayer" |
Scott R. Stroud
15 |
"Brown Skirts: Fascism, Christianity, and the Eternal Demon" |
Neal King
16 |
"Prophecy Girl and the Powers That Be: The Philosophy of Religion in the Buffyverse" |
Wendy Love Anderson
17 |
"Justifying the Means: Punishment in the Buffyverse" |
Jacob Held
18 |
"No Big Win: Themes of Sacrifice, Salvation, and Redemption" |
Gregory J. Sakal
19 |
"Old Familiar Vampires: The Politics of the Buffyverse" |
Jeffrey L. Pasley
20 |
"Morality on Television: The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer" |
Richard Greene and Wayne Yuen
21 |
"High School is Hell: Metaphor made Literal" |
Tracy Little
22 |
"Feeling for Buffy – The Girl Next Door" |
Michael Levine and Steven Jay Schneider