Bridge (web series)
Bridge is a Maldivian comedy drama web series written and directed by Amjad Ibrahim. It stars Sheela Najeeb, Ahmed Shaz, Ali Shameel and Amira Ismail. The pilot episode of the series was released on 2 April 2022 and was concluded on 4 June 2022. CastMain
DevelopmentThe project was announced by director Amjad Ibrahim on 22 August 2021 as a potential web series or a feature film.[1][2] Major part of the series was filmed in Hulhumale'.[1] Filming was completed in the first week of September and editing was initiated by Ravee Farooq on 4 September 2021.[3] Soundtrack
Release and receptionOn 8 October 2021, director Amjad Ibrahim announced that the series will be streamed through digital streaming platform Baiskoafu.[4] The first episode of the series was released on 2 April 2022 in Baiskoafu, on the occasion of Ramadan 1443.[5] References