In April 2020, the show joined the rest of Fox's Animation Domination lineup in a partnership with Caffeine for the AniDom Beyond Show, a recap show hosted by Andy Richter. The hour-long program featured interviews with guests and live interactivity with fans online, with recaps for the episodes that aired through April and May.[1] The Bob's Burgers episode aired on May 3, 2020, featuring Loren Bouchard, Wendy Molyneux, Steven Davis, Lizzie Molyneux, and H. Jon Benjamin. On May 18, 2020, Holly Schlesinger joined the show with other writers from the Fox Animation Domination lineup.
The DVD for season 10 was released on June 23, 2020.[2][3][4]
When Gene loses Bob's expensive (by Belcher standards) anniversary/engagement ring in a water park, with the help of Nat the Limo Driver, the family sans Linda sneak in at night to find it. Meanwhile, Gayle wants Linda to help her treat pink eye from her cat but flinches every time the eyedrops come near her.
To make a new burger of the day, Bob and Gene head to the forest to find some truffle mushrooms, but get cornered by some thieves in the process. Meanwhile, Tina gets new glasses and Louise convinces her that they must be super spy prescription glasses sent to her by accident.
Tina and Bob go to a Thunder Girls event to build boats together, but Tina gets upset at Bob when he messes up their father-daughter boat. Also, the other Thunder Girls are attempting to cheat in the competition. Meanwhile, Linda takes Gene and Louise to the fire station, but Louise says it's boring because they aren't toddlers anymore.
After attempting to dissect a pig in science class, then insulting it with her classmates, Tina has nightmares in which the dead pig's ghost haunts her. Meanwhile, Linda tries to help Bob get some earwax out of his ears.
After stumbling upon a sleeping boy at the mall, Tina pretends to be his girlfriend, impressing the boy's friends as well as the mall security guard, Tammy, and Jocelyn. Meanwhile, Gene and Louise ride motorized animal cars, Bob goes shopping for pants, and Linda goes to a book reading by her favorite author.
Bob and Louise plan a movie night with the help of Dominic from the movie theater, who gets them never-before-seen footage of Hawk and Chick. Louise forges Bob's signature to get the $1000 security deposit to rent the film. She invites the whole school to see the movie at the restaurant as well as Shinji Kojima, (the actor who plays Hawk). However, during the movie screening, the second reel to the film is stolen.
Bob and Linda are invited to a late night loft party and Jen babysits Tina, Gene and Louise while they are out. Jen arrives in an ice cream truck, and the kids convince her to go for a ride around town.
Bob has been on the waiting list for 5 years for a very rare turkey from Riverbrook Lake Farms. On his way home, he drives slowly in order to keep the turkey safe. However, before he is able to cook the turkey, a gas leak leaves him unable to use the oven. Bob does anything he can to cook his precious turkey and slowly loses his grip on reality.
Teddy gets asked to help out at a local theater called The Happy Mask. The resident troupe, the "Sad Mask Players" need assistance with their latest play. One of the kids in the show drops out and Gene auditions to replace him. Linda makes a deal with the director of the play to ensure Gene gets the part, without telling Gene.
Linda gets a temp job at the post office to help sort gifts. A late delivery ends up not being sent so Linda attempts to make sure it gets delivered for Christmas. Meanwhile, Linda's parents and Gayle come over and Bob is scrambling to mediate between all of them. Gene and Louise worry what they are going to get Tina for their kid only gift exchange.
Gene's abiding love for an electronic drum kit at a pawn store leads to his banishment by sour store owner Dino, (Voiced by returning guest Bobcat Goldthwait) so Louise decides to seek revenge against his wishes. Bob is mildly annoyed but indifferent when Teddy rants at him about doing some work at Jimmy Pesto's, but Linda tries to convince Bob that Teddy wants him to be upset so he'll know Bob cares about him.
The 8th graders get assigned to mentor the 4th graders, but Tina's efforts to bond with her "little fish" are an unceasing disaster, so she goes to her former "big fish" for advice. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda work out at the new gym which moved into the Store Next Door and wants to quickly find a way to get out of their membership.
Jessica and her friend Megan are on the search for a sea monster, Louise finds out and ends up joining in on their plan. Meanwhile, it's spirit week at school and Bob takes classes from someone who supposedly is a master chef.
Wagstaff School needs a new school song, and Mr. Frond is very wary about the idea that the students will not only write competing tunes but have the final say on which one is picked. Gene and Louise's entry is a tad scatalogical. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda have a fresh hassle in the form of Jimmy Pesto's new metal shop awning, which reflects blinding sunlight into the burger store. Teddy tries to help with cardboard.
Linda and Tina agree to help Gayle bulk up the numbers (to make three people) for her new creative workshop, "Art Up Your Engines". It's held in the woods inside a large yurt. The workshop is weird and horrible, but the only genuine attendee is not who she seems. Meanwhile, Gene and Louise pretend to bus tables for an overworked Bob while overseeing a scheme to find a lost cat.
It's Saint Patrick's Day, and Linda and Teddy decide to get into the spirit of the occasion by dyeing all of the food and drink in the restaurant green. Meanwhile, Bob and the kids attend a liquidation auction of a barbecue joint to get some tasty crockery bargains. Soon enough, they become involved in a stupid conspiracy to steal a flat-top grill from under the eyes of the auctioneer, on behalf of the defunct store's former owner.
Bob has to close the restaurant due to a leaky ceiling, and he reluctantly accompanies his family and Natalie the limo driver on a road trip. The mission? To deliver a depressed snake to Nat's ex-girlfriend's animal sanctuary. The voyage swiftly goes wrong, and an ordeal of vomit, terrible overpriced exit ramp attractions, forged teen steam diaries, paralyzing phobias and reptile escape attempts ensues. Meanwhile, Teddy is alone in the closed restaurant, and abandons his repair work after two minutes to don Bob's apron, cook himself a 'Tedder Cheddar' cheeseburger and go a little bit I Am Legend-style insane.
Tina attends her friend Josh's tap dance recital dress rehearsal, figuring he wants to win her back, so she plans to tell him she'd rather just be friends, but she turns detective when Josh meets with a suspicious knee-injury "accident" mid-performance. Meanwhile, Gene and Louise compete for the chance to get their own self-crafted Burger of the Day on the menu.
After a fan he installed causes a fire and burns down Reggy's gazebo, Teddy loses confidence in his handyman skills and refuses to repair the burger store's walk-in. When Bob plans to hire a different contractor using money earmarked for a trip to the trampoline park, the kids tell Teddy three stories in which he saves the day, in an attempt to restore his mojo.
Louise and her class go on a sleep-over trip to the aquarium; however, she fears she will not be able to go to the restroom there, since she has a phobia about using bathrooms outside her home. Meanwhile, Linda insists that Bob and the kids must get involved with a video for her parents' anniversary - so they dress up as giant pickles.
Linda and Tina embark on the trail of a legendary and now 'has-been' local singer, and stumble on a strange cover-up about her fate. Meanwhile, Teddy turns to Bob and the other kids for help getting one over on the host of a sports radio show, with whom the handyman frequently argues.
Kaylee from "A Fish Called Tina" wants Louise to teach her how to get in trouble so she'll get expelled and can be home-schooled, and Louise is a triple agent between Kaylee and Mr. Frond until she decides to genuinely help Kaylee instead. Elsewhere, Bob disgustedly delivers Jimmy Pesto's medicine because no one else wants to help Jimmy, but Bob then becomes enamored by the arcade games and fun gadgets Jimmy has in his bachelor apartment.