Blood (2012 film)
Blood is a 2012 thriller film directed by Nick Murphy and written by Bill Gallagher. The plot is about two brothers who are policemen and charts the moral collapse of a police family. The two brothers, played by Paul Bettany (Joe Fairburn) and Stephen Graham (Christie Fairburn) must investigate a despicable crime in a small town, in the shadow of their former police chief father. The film is a cinematic remake of the 2004 BBC television mini series Conviction, which Gallagher also wrote.[2] PlotWhile trying to solve a vicious murder in a small town, two detectives Joe (Paul Bettany) and Chrissie (Stephen Graham) wind up murdering the suspected perpetrator. What follows brings them on a journey through fear and drives them to turn on each other. All whilst under the gaze of their police force colleague, Robert (Mark Strong). The investigation and ultimate crime turn their lives into a downward spiral of guilt and paranoia. Cast
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