Block Pass (French: La Pampa) is a French drama film, directed by Antoine Chevrollier and released in 2024.[1] The film stars Amaury Foucher as Jojo, a teenager living in Longué-Jumelles who is training as a motocross racer, and Sayyid El Alami as Willy, his longtime best friend whose support and loyalty prove critical to Jojo's survival after he is outed to the community as gay.[2]
The cast also includes Damien Bonnard as Jojo's father David, as well as Mathieu Demy, Léonie Dahan-Lamort, Florence Janas, Artus Solaro and Axelle Fresneau in supporting roles.
The film, Chevrollier's full-length directorial debut, was shot principally in and around Longué-Jumelles, his real-life hometown.[3]