Berlin Brothersvalley High School
Berlin Brothersvalley High School is a small public high school, located in the central Somerset County town of Berlin. The High School is connected to the Middle School and Elementary School. CurriculumBBHS has curriculum in the following subjects and areas of study[2]
Vocational educationStudents in grades 10-12, who wish to pursue training in a specific career path or field may attend the Somerset County Technology Center in Somerset Township. Graduation requirementsAccording to the course catalog[3]
Students planning to attend a four-year post-secondary institution must take 4 credits of math and science courses. Sports teamsThe school mascot for all three schools is the Mountaineer, and the school colors are royal blue and white. BBHS participates in PIAA District V. Berlin Brothersvalley High School has a cooperative sports agreement with Shanksville-Stonycreek School District to offer wrestling and soccer, also co-ops with Shanksville-Stonycreek School District and Rockwood Area Junior/Senior High School for football. Rockwood also goes to Berlin for wrestling.[4]